Vodafone Healthline Supports Breast Cancer Month

Fri, 12 Oct 2012 Source: Comfort Asiamah Darkwa/Global Media Alliance

If there are any myths concerning cancer, one of the world’s killer diseases bothering anyone’s mind, then this weekend offers a great opportunity to be educated about all myths related to cancer. Episode eleven of Vodafone will feature the doctors giving important information on cancer. It will also give tips on how to effectively handle children with cancer in the Kids Corner segment of the programme.

Cancer is not necessarily the death sentence many people may think. It is not one disease affecting a particular part of the body, but takes different forms and can have different causes. For that reason one breakthrough "cure for cancer" is probably not likely to come along for many people. The doctors re-iterate that detection and early treatment is essential if the affected patient has a good chance of beating the condition. The treatment room demonstrates how women can examine their breasts for signs of breast cancer, since early detection can lead to a complete recovery from the condition.

This weekend’s feature story shows the importance of follow up hospital visits are after the treatment of Cancer. It tells the story of fourteen year old Jamila Salifu who hails from Tamale in the Northern Region and has been suffering from cancer for close to a year. Jamila went through an operation to remove a tumour from her ovaries and underwent chemotherapy; however, travelling to the hospital for her follow up visits became a challenge for her family and she discontinued them. Unfortunately for her, the cancer returned but remained undetected until her stomach began to grow big again and her little body lean. For over two months Jamila’s family lived in the compound of Tamale Teaching Hospital as their daughter lay in the hospital riddled with cancer until Vodafone Healthline came to pay for her chemotherapy.

Vodafone Healthline airs on Sundays on TV3 at 5.00pm, eTV and Top TV at 8.00pm and GTV at 8.30pm, it is then repeated on Wednesdays on Metro TV and Crystal TV at 8.30pm.

Source: Comfort Asiamah Darkwa/Global Media Alliance