Dr. Betty Annan, Country Director, AGR Ghhana
AGRA, in collaboration with the Plant Protection and Regulatory Services Directorate (PPRSD) of Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), and with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has officially handed over the country’s Inorganic Bulk Blending Fertiliser Guidelines. A similar guideline on organic fertiliser was handed over on June 2nd, 2022.
This development serves as the foundation of MoFA's ambitious strategy to transform Ghana's agricultural sector. The new guidelines pave the way for delivering fertiliser products tailored to specific soil fertility and crop needs and ensure quality products are delivered to smallholder farmers. This targeted approach will empower farmers to achieve greater yields and contribute to more resilient food systems in Ghana.
“As part of our new strategy at AGRA, we commit to catalyse and sustain an inclusive agricultural transformation in Africa that increases incomes and improves food security for 30 million farming households in our 11 focus countries, including Ghana. This requires more innovative ways of increasing fertiliser use. These guidelines represent a critical step towards that. By tailoring fertiliser blends to specific soil conditions, we can empower farmers to achieve greater yields and contribute to a more food-secure future for Ghana,” said Betty Annan, AGRA Country Director Ghana.
Ghana's Planting for Food and Jobs Programme has been providing blended fertilisers since 2019. However, there were no set standards previously for blending raw materials. Despite testing the finished goods before they were distributed, the PPRSD may have faced challenges due to a lack of regular operating procedures.
AGRA also worked alongside the International Fertiliser Development Centre (IFDC) – through the Enhancing Growth through Regional Agricultural Input Systems (EnGRAIS) project – to provide crucial expertise and support in tailoring the fertiliser blending guidelines to address Ghana's specific agricultural needs and challenges.
“The government is committed to driving agricultural innovation and ensuring the welfare of our farmers. By partnering with AGRA and IFDC on the development of these guidelines, we exemplify our dedication to fostering sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing food security nationwide,” said Eric Bensil Quaye, PPRSD Director.