
Ghanaian youth must go into agriculture – Prophet Adusei

Opanin Abraham Kweku Aseidu

Fri, 21 Feb 2014 Source: n. kwaku solomon

Spiritual Head and General Overseer of Saviour Church of Ghana, Opanin Abraham Kwaku Adusei, has called on Ghanaian youth to stop chasing non-existing white colour jobs and rather go into agriculture as another means of employment.

Opanin Adusei, who is also a Council of State Member, said agriculture is the alternative solution to the current economic condition of the country, and therefore, appealed to the youth in the church and the country as a whole to venture into agriculture upon completion of school.

Opanin Abraham made the observation ahead of the 90th anniversary celebration of the church at Akyem - Osiem in the East Akim Municipality of the Eastern Region in an interview with the Daily Searchlight newspaper.

He contended that if Ghanaians, particularly the youth would heed to advice, the issue of unemployment and its associated economic conditions would come under control if not solving it completely.

Outlining some of the achievements he has guided the church to attain, he disclosed that the church made education, agriculture and health most priority among his mission and vision for the church.

He underscored that, so far so good, he has made few remarkable achievements under the three (3) areas since he took over in 1997.

Under education, the Eastern Regional Member of the Council of State said, under his leadership, the church has established 28 basic schools across the country with one (1) Senior High School (SHS) and one (1) nursing school.

He could also boast in the area of health with the establishment of two (2) hospitals namely the Hawa Memorial Hospital at Osiem in the Eastern Region and another at Bekwai in the Ashanti region.

For agriculture which he describes as his greatest passion, the church can boast of many large vast of farms across the country including yam, mango, maize among other corps and animal farming.

As part of effort to create jobs and solve the unemployment situation in the country, the church has absorbed both people with technical know-how in their respective fields of work and non-technical people into their respective establishment.

He has therefore called on members of the church to support him physically and spiritually to build the church and members to a level that would be appreciated by all.

As part of the celebrations also, the church is embarking on the planting of 9000 different spices of seedlings.

Source: n. kwaku solomon