
Muslims in Hohoe Zongo community receives medical screening

Screening Imam The Chief Imam in the community also took part in the screening

Tue, 3 May 2016 Source: Majid Tetteh/Muslim Workers Association

The Muslim Workers Association of Ghana (Volta Division) has organized a medical screening for Muslims in the Zongo community of Hohoe.

The chief Imam graced the occasion and personally subjected himself to the screening.

The president of the Muslim Workers Association, Dr Habib Ahmed, asked all Ghanaians to regularly go for medical check-ups because regular health screening can help identify health problems at early stages.

"The aim of regular screening is to detect diseases at an early stage, before any symptoms become noticeable. This enables doctors treat diseases detected during the screening much earlier," Dr. Habib noted.

He also stated early medical screening reduces cost of health on the individual and the nation as a whole.

The association screened persons on diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hepatitis B and body mass index. There was also a health talk on above conditions.

The association asked the Chief Imam to use any medium at his disposal to encourage Muslim youth to go to school to acquire employable skills to help develop themselves and the country.

In response, the Chief Imam was happy to see Muslim nurses, midwives, doctors, laboratory Scientists coming back to the Muslim community to conduct a medical screening for their fellow Muslims. He advised the Muslim youth of Ghana to emulate this cadre of Muslim workers and to endeavor to go to school to study the sciences. He admonished muslims to take part in the medical screening exercise.

The Zongo Chief of Hohoe also took part in the medical screening and asked his subjects to regularly go for medical screening to know the state of their health. He commended the association for coming to the Zongo community for the medical screening.

The participants who took part in the screening were counseled to go for regular screening and those diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension were advised to go to hospital for treatment.

Source: Majid Tetteh/Muslim Workers Association