
Ellembelle MP raises concern over decline in usage of Nzema in schools

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  • Ricard. 7 months ago

    Tribalism at work again, divisions and tribal sentiments at work.

  • FRANKIE 7 months ago

    I'm 100% sure that all these MPs presented their submissions in English language. My question to them is - which local language is a prerequisite into any level of education? I'm sorry to disappoint them. All our local langua ...
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  • Dr. Allen Smith Jackson, UK 7 months ago

    The best place to learn local languages is at home, the MPs should stop blaming the schools

  • Kollie 7 months ago

    If you teach them Nzema at home, they'll become proficient at it, mmoa!

  • Shai 7 months ago

    Not only Nzema language but all other languages have fallen victim to this trend. The government has to make it compulsory for every community to teach their native language as second language in all schools.

  • Frank Agyena-Karikari 7 months ago

    Some of you just post anything that comes in your head, How can the government make it compulsory for traditional languages to be taught? Go to Accra now and you shall be surprised that Twi is spoken more than Ga. Some langua ...
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  • Jay 7 months ago

    This MP is a big fool,instead of providing better educational resources to educational institutions and teachers and students which he has already sat on that money for such projects he's talking of what isn't needed by stude ...
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  • Kofi Jimmy 7 months ago

    I questioned my friend why his 3 and 5 year old kids speak only English at home?
    He had no explanation

  • Water Yam 7 months ago

    Your people don't vote for the NPP. The plan is for the Ashantis to assimilate the Nzemas so tomorrow they will say you guys are not Ghanaians