
Give Upper East a temporal passport office - Gabriel Agambila

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  • Akuribire 7 months ago

    This is a right call to action.
    The People of the Upper East have been neglected for too long.
    Kudos to you son of the Land.

  • Meshach 7 months ago

    Very true. Why should the people of Upper East travel to other regions just to be able to get a national passport?? Something needs to be done

  • Ahmed Larsen 6 months ago

    I hope Mr Gabiel Agambila's request will be adhered to by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the concerned institution provided, they are given extra logistics for the temporal office. Moreover, this call will go a lo ...
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  • Prissy 6 months ago

    Seriously, my slaves are sounding serious this time around. If you have a structure/structures that can be used temporarily, then you have drastically reduced the burden of the government to only the provision of human and fe ...
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  • GHANA COUNCIL 6 months ago

    I hope one person from the Goverment will read this article. Should it take a person from Diaspora to teach us Development? This is an insult to all of us from upper east and the ruling goverment to let An Diasporan , a ...
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  • Abroampaiil 6 months ago

    And they dont even want any "Diasporan" in their Parlament cause he could talk some sense.

  • Shadrach 6 months ago

    The region has indeed be left behind and a passport office can help bridge the gap between the north and southern regions.