
Nana Oye Bampoe Addo delivers keynote address at 11th Africa Conference on sexual and reproductive health rights

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  • Kwasi in Europe 6 months ago

    No more Lithur? Divorced and sacked?

  • Nana oye 6 months ago

    This woman paraded herself for years as a human rights lawyer sp when this LBT Q palaver came up, one would have expected her as a human rights lawyer to take a stand but what did we see?deafening silence!the same applies to ...
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  • Nz K 6 months ago

    Idiot you, what is human right about LGBTQ+

  • Joy 6 months ago

    Lazy thing to discuss. Sad of hearing this at this time of hardship in Ghana that mahama is willing to come again to worsen things.