
GIJ bridges gender gap in education access

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  • Conventional Youth 9 years ago

    Dr Wilberforce Dzisah, Rector of GIJ who made this known, added that the institute was graduating 152 diploma students made up of 117 females and 35 males.

    The institute also awarded degrees to 331 students, with 91 consti ...
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  • Conventional Youth 9 years ago

    Mr Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, Deputy Minister of Education in charge of Tertiary Education said: “I encourage other universities to adopt affirmative action and quota policies,” to address some of the inequities and dispari ...
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  • Kumi 9 years ago

    You obviously can't think. No wonder you can't make any contribution to the subject. Shame on you. I have met some very brilliant girls/ ladies in my educational pursuit and I do not see why women should not have an equal rig ...
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