
Let us unite and resolve our basic challenges - Bimbila Regent

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  • The mask 9 years ago

    There are many fields in which Ghana lacks the needed expertise. To solve this problem the government of Ghana has over the decades made scholarships available for the needed human resource to be trained abroad. In some cases ...
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  • OLD SOLDIER 9 years ago

    The mask

    2015-01-06 07:15:47

    Comment to:
    GACC cautions on CHRAJ boss’ probe

    Do not forget that many in this country have felt left out since independence; needless to say that they are unhapp ...
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  • ugly akufo addo 9 years ago

    look at what they did to Aliu Mahama

  • Jagri 9 years ago

    Dagombas and Nanumbas took Konkomba land and fought them in addition. Konkombas have cursed Dagombas and Nanumbas. that is why they are killing their chiefs now. But Insha Allah, we shall take our land back

  • @ Jagri 9 years ago

    Konkombas are just animal from no Where. so ur comment are totally lies. Bush animal stop making such foolish comments.

  • For All 9 years ago

    It is not only konkombas who are animals from no where it the entire human race. If not tell me how come people who claim to be traditional rulers be murdered in cold without justice

  • Objective Adancorata 9 years ago

    Mr Jagri, your complain is the other way round: Konkonbas settled on Nanumba lands at the generosity and benevolence of the chiefs and people of Nanung. But sadly and ungratefully Konkonbas turned round waging war to claim Na ...
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  • For All 9 years ago

    There were people living present day nanung before the arrival of naa nuaa (nanumbas)from zanfara northern nigeria. Do you care to know the where about of their descendant?try to know your own history

  • Issah M Mustapha 9 years ago

    From the begining Nanung was a land which love peace and stability but today we spoilt the little peace we r enjoying and turn the place to a battle field. hmmmmmmm we shall be asked to account for our stewardship lets not fo ...
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  • Adams 9 years ago

    Please my dear Komkombas and Nanumbas,stop these and unite.I beg you in the name of God.

  • Bimbilla youth 9 years ago

    Who's the regent of Bimbilla what title did the father gain for himself that qualify his son to be call as regent hmm this ndc government lead by John mahama ripe what they sour the gods of nanung will never forgive you peopl ...
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