
Only 6.6m voters verified

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  • Tonto 8 years ago

    25 million people with 15 million voters. The register is bloated.

  • DR TRUTH 8 years ago


  • Mahmoud 8 years ago

    Please don't sleep in bed with Mahama and his NDC electoral thieves for the sake of democracy and governance in Ghana. They have been stealing the verdict of Ghanaians since 1992.

  • Mr Bond 8 years ago

    Exactly,Our register voter is over bloated not just bloated.if Ghana a countery whose population according to census is 26.3 million and our registered voter to choose leaders is 17.4 or 17.5 million and our demographic kid f ...
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  • George 8 years ago

    I will not blame ec but my party npp leadership for allowing these over bloated register on December 7th. We are many they are few.

  • Kofi 8 years ago

    NPP is just a lying bunch of ppl like the NDC. Ghanaians hv seen this clearly now n knows just what to do.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    There should not be more than 9 million voters on the register, but if is it been stretched then maximum 10.4 million. 15 million is just absurd and dangerous. There should have been a new register. If in November the voted e ...
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  • Vero 8 years ago

    Ghana used to do well until the evil dwarfs came to power. We won boxing soccer and field events with various medals. Even football, the Black Stars had won the African Cup four times before NDC. Since then nothing. The only ...
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  • GoBoi 8 years ago

    I will not be surprise if the turnout of December election be less than this 6 million people,, because after vote them into power they become our gods not leaders,

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    The Supreme Court deprived some Ghanaians of the right to Universal Adult Suffrage.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    The Supreme Court deprived some Ghanaians of the right to Universal Adult Suffrage. Those deprived of he right to vote must lodge an appeal to the United Nations for redress.

  • Keane 8 years ago

    It's good but rather shocking so far 702,000 names have been deleted and it looks like EC are still going through thecregusyervabd deleting issues...the mass that did not check their names well let's say 59% did not have the ...
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  • MAN 8 years ago

    Most Ghanaian s not interested in the views of NPP calling on NPP for EC verification.

  • MAN 8 years ago

    Where are the Togolese and the Maleans in laws of Bawumea?

  • Laryea 8 years ago

    When NPP took some Togolese to court in Ho, these NDC criminals ran away when the court sat yesterday. NDC exposed big time!

  • Laryea 8 years ago

    NDC boated rgister has been exposed with vigilancy. Now the Togolese are afraid to come and verify. Trouble for Commander-In-Thief Mahama

  • Samson 8 years ago

    So are you saying that if someone does not verify their name they cannot vote on December 7th? You must be deluded to think that. Once your name is on the register you can always vote. It was not compulsory to verify your nam ...
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  • BB 8 years ago


  • BB 8 years ago


  • Samson 8 years ago

    6.6 million only? why only? 43% is very good indeed. In many so called democracies of the western world the average of registered voters who vote is about the same figure 45%. There is nothing to worry about.

  • Kojo Esuon 8 years ago

    In a country of 27 million people with a typical developing country population characteristic of more than 50% of under aged people 6.6 million sounds about the right figure of eligible voters. It certainly cannot be the 50% ...
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  • Tweaa dc 8 years ago


  • Michael K. Tettevi. 8 years ago

    Were you one of those verified recently ? If not, why did not you verify your name at your polling station ? Every good citizen shall verify his or her name when it is time to do so. Failure to do so is a bad citizen. Be a go ...
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  • BOY KOFI 8 years ago

    Only 6.6 million out of 15 million eligible registered voters took part in the exhibition excercise.
    This doesn't mean only 6.6 million will be allowed to vote in 7th Dec.2016.
    Interestingly,this is what npp called on the E ...
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