
I’m no longer a chatterbox – Kotoko coach Duncan

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  • Louis,Mankranso 9 years ago

    Welcome coach
    It is good that you have learned your lessons.

  • Joey Boy 9 years ago

    Instead of questioning and challenging referees' decisions, use the time to study the mistakes your team will be making on the pitch and correct them.

  • Joey Boy 9 years ago

    Please, don't stop talking but let it be fruitful; it is better than being a "mumu" coach.

  • Kay Eghan 9 years ago

    Very good to learn from your mistake of talking too nearly cost you the Kotoko's job.Talk when necessary and don't be the Mr know it all you have been all the years.

  • Marcus Gyeabour,kumasi 9 years ago

    We are taking your word and will mark every step you take.May God help you although I'm not your fun so convince me

  • Fantabulous 9 years ago

    Even our opponents play their best football when they are playing against Kotoko. There is work to be done and we expect it to be done now with no excuses. Good luck.Make us believe in you.