
I’d have been a football great– Hassan Ayariga

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  • Habiba 8 years ago

    You miss out on your best talent-being a comedian

  • Naadu 8 years ago

    Stop the noise, and let us think, Ayariga. If you want to play football why don't you join any of the clubs and play for them?

  • ayaricough 8 years ago

    how do you mix cough and football?

  • Blockhead 8 years ago

    Ayariga as a footballer? No, footballers think on their feet. (Remember the presidential debate?).

  • dr bawumia 8 years ago

    professional cough man u are a fool period

  • Hawa 8 years ago

    And what's this noise supposed to be about? You used to play football so? What should Ghanaians do about that? Has Ghana run out of footballers? Is this one of the pressing needs of our country?

  • wisdom speaks 8 years ago

    Bush bush bush
    Ghana still being rulled by those primitive stone age people
    hahahahaha Ghana oh ghana

  • thinker. 8 years ago

    this great fool fool and foolish again.

  • save ghana 8 years ago

    oh nope ayariga. u would have been an illiterate joker. full of gibberish

  • Onias 8 years ago

    Start jogging and Come join Dwarfs, we need talented players .

  • inercycl 8 years ago

    Which years was this guy an athletic and a football prodigy. There are names in athletics we all knew back then; Albert Lomotey, Ohene karikari and in latter years (if he is that young) Mike Myles.Mahama Ayariga? Someone shou ...
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  • NOBODY 8 years ago

    Time for Ayariga to hang his political hat and join the comedy circuit.