
Baba Rahman must improve defensive skills - David Duncan

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  • Rastaman 8 years ago

    That is true. He likes to surge forward most of the time, which h does el dong so. However, he is defensively weak, and slippery attackers easily dribble past him, and is often forced into had tackles to win balls.

  • Rastaman 8 years ago

    That is true. He likes to surge forward most of the time, which he does well doing so. However, he is defensively weak, and slippery attackers easily dribble past him, and is often forced into had tackles to win balls.

  • modinsane 8 years ago

    I agree with you, but its the duty of his coaches to have noticed by now his weaknesses and do something about it.
    Just tell him to stick his a$$ in defence and never cross the center-line.

  • JOHN MAHAMA 8 years ago

    Talk talk as if u are a better coach, u guys started same when Baba joined chelsea advocating Mourinho should bench him cos he is not ready yet.morinhno indeed benched him for a long time and same ghanaians started complainin ...
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  • Col. Q 8 years ago

    Bro, very soon they wuld start advising his Coach to field him as a striker and then 1st half as a reserve Goalkeeper and then trainer-Coach ! These are our arm-chair Coaches, trust them , they are too good to even Train the ...
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  • Papa Chris 8 years ago

    I've said time and again that Baba Rahman is a midfielder so a brave coach should just convert him to make the best out of him.

  • OSEI TUTU TAWIAH 8 years ago

    No, Barber is an excellent winger. True, he reminds me of Lee Addy in his weaker defense but Baba is far better than Addy.

  • tête-à-tête 8 years ago

    in Other words coach Duncan must also improve on his tactics. It's give and take!

  • Fatahiya 8 years ago

    coach Duncan is too much on baba give him a break , mr Duncan if it is sooo easy to improve within a twincle of an eye replecate it in kotoko so that they will not lose a game in this premier league

  • Harrison 8 years ago

    The best way forward is for Baba to move to a club where he can have more playing time, period. Then he can mature at his own pace. As at now, the pressure is too much for him at Chelsea to excel.

  • Akwasi 8 years ago

    Baba, in as much as, I admire him he needs to improve on his speed, and most importantly his confidence.

  • Teacher Nunoo, Korle Gonno 8 years ago

    Baba is very fast. Unless u did not watch him last year in the Bundesliga. The problem with him is confidence. But I still don't get why his confidence is still low after all this time at chelsea. He has got to improve and ...
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  • ...kobe smart 8 years ago

    very true. he was partly to blame for Townsend's goal. Mou made a mess of him by not trying to tune him tactically. He lacks positional discipline a bit. Could be in line to play against PSG, Baba