
Ghana job available after AFCON 2017 - Grant

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  • Ama Ghana 8 years ago

    We don't care about this bullshit sport news.Anyway that malafuka is doing his job so why you guys always talking about him.Grant did not say anything because he doesn't have any place to go.You guys are bullshit.

  • Won't miss him 8 years ago

    If Paz Grant really mean business he will leave now to his cushy job in London and let a more competent coach take over.

  • joe 8 years ago

    football has change you need a coach with experience in reading the game his opponent and selecting player that can match up to their opponent this is why we lost to Germany in the world cup this is a good coach you guys shou ...
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  • Mpls., USA 8 years ago

    Good move. Go where your services will be cherished and not in the Land-of-Bullshitters! Ghanaians can not recognize a good Coach when they have one. Wait till they get bungled out of the WC qualifying with another, undoub ...
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  • Abolish foreign coaches 8 years ago

    For once I agree with the Ghanaians here that we have been taken for a ride.If coaching can be done through scouting alone then give the job to me.Grant is shameless to even talk about life after 2017.I am sure if we could le ...
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  • Saint Ghfuo: Free Your Psyche!!! 8 years ago

    Johnny just come ghppl....grant don't pay any attention to these illiterates!

  • Angry 8 years ago

    Did Ghana really lose to Germany in the WC (in Brazil)?

    How can you be taken serious?

  • MAD COBRA 8 years ago


  • kwasi 8 years ago


  • DIAMOND 8 years ago

    Well, joe did not say Brazil.
    We did lose to Germany in South Africa.
    Maybe that's what he meant.

    I did think along your lines first, but gave him the benefit of the doubt because I could not prove that he was referring ...
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  • Obiba jk 8 years ago

    Local coaches lack the ability and knowledge to compete at the highest level regarding tactics and strategy

  • DIAMOND 8 years ago

    Don't worry.
    If he wins Afcon 2017, Nyantacus will raise his salary from the current $50,000 per month to $100,000, so depending on the outcome of Afcon, he may just stay put.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    I agree with you, brother. In fact, this Israeli guy should have been sacked a lot time ago for his bulletin attitude.

  • zeus 8 years ago

    when would Ghanaians appreciate any good thing that comes their way? is so pathetic. when a foreign coach can not be manipulated is a problem. remember this coach has nothing to lose when he leaves and foolish Ghanaians will ...
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  • Chuks, Tudu 8 years ago

    You're a fool, don't you know the man has a contract to obey? He is showing he's not like your foolish Ghanaians who break the laws with impunity.

  • Stone NYC 8 years ago

    look at ur fat face just like a mask. u v taken the Ghana job for granted anyway. toi.I hate this man,u traitor. Grant orchestrated Mou"s first sacking from Chelsea thinking that he will get the job for good.

  • Saint Ghfuo: Free Your Psyche!!! 8 years ago

    Wcup. He will stay til wcup. He wants to go to wcup

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    From chelsea to Thailand and from Thailand to the BIG FOOTBALL MECCA OF ACCRA, you are aq nuisance coach and a good riddance.We dont need a coach that is restricted to travel with his team to some countries.grant bye bye and ...
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  • DIAMOND 8 years ago

    Do you guys understand 'mundial'?
    Do you even have any idea of its roots in etymology?

  • Slyster 8 years ago

    Take a lesson . If the gfa should find a local coach to take care of the black stars after afcon 2017, this same critics shall start complaining . This is Ghana for you everybody is a coach.

  • anokwale 8 years ago

    He got a good deal to be an interim coach and he wants to run away because he sort of knows that he cannot win AFCON 2017 and cannot qualify for the WC. This is an easy out for him. He will keep talking about how the team m ...
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  • THE DOOR IS INFRONT OF YOU 8 years ago

    king Keni can do a much better job than our resident long distance coach.

  • Saint Ghfuo: Free Your Psyche!!! 8 years ago

    Really? LOL...u see Niggas. So after 7 gpl lg games. U think kenichi is now qualified to coach bstars? Wat drugs are u on becos I want some paa

  • Chuks, Tudu 8 years ago

    Thanks you, my friends. Ghanaians only talk bullshit.

  • john akpa 8 years ago

    He was harshly criticized for being abroad when the Ghana was being played in the court room with Nyaho Tamakloe saying he should spend all his time in Ghana, when the players are scattered all over the world. This is sad. I ...
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  • john akpa 8 years ago

    'when the Ghana league'

  • Lone voice 8 years ago

    So true John. This same Nyarkoah Tamakloe said emphatically that the hearts of oak coach should be fired when the league had not started. We have become a noise making people. We often forget that the expatriates have better ...
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  • Evans 8 years ago

    i support u go and leave their team for them , Ghanaians talk too much but if u give them opportunity is money they will go and chop

  • BRIGHT 8 years ago


  • Ghanaba 8 years ago


  • Saint Ghfuo: Free Your Psyche!!! 8 years ago

    See negative ghppl. They will even criticize and kill Jesus Christ!. Tweaa

  • Someone 8 years ago

    We talk too much

  • Raman 8 years ago

    He should go lol

  • Black Star Fan 8 years ago

    Are there any long distance coaching jobs in the UK? If anybody knows of one please let me know so that I can instruct my agent to apply for me while I continue to live in Ghana.

  • anokwale 8 years ago

    That is the point. I believe that if we are going to criticize our local coaches we have to be tough on the foreign coaches as well.

  • Aflou 8 years ago

    You made big fools out of yourselves in Brazil with your local coach. The plan filledwith $$$$ was awesome

  • Sly 8 years ago

    Goods news. Ghana should then take local coach and pay him in cedis. We are broke we can't be paying a coach $50,000.00 instead of GHS20,000.00. As a country, lets cut out coat according to our size

  • Aly 8 years ago

    Ungrateful Ghanaians shoud have a Ghana coach.

  • kofi kwateng 8 years ago


  • Chuks, Tudu 8 years ago

    He will leave for the noisy Ghanaians to have the chance to churn out more "bullshit".

  • Ohenenana 8 years ago

    Ghana should pay the balance of his contract and should let him go NOW! If he is a man of integrity, he must resign. This attitude is not good the team, an in deed the nation.

  • Ohenenana 8 years ago

    Stop allowing yourselves to be used by these people!

  • Ernie 8 years ago

    Ha ha ha You guys don't even have water, sanitation, electricity and go to toilet in the street. Calme down.

  • Collins Anim 8 years ago

    currently no qualified local coach. go for the french guy

  • Apuki 8 years ago

    Grant is among the national coaches who receives lowest salary,besides this same coach ,Grant is using his low salary to build a sports complex at Winneba.He is a pillar behind the moves of some Ghanaian players in the Englis ...
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  • Duke 8 years ago

    Grant came in hungry but is full now so he can yab

  • Col Q 8 years ago

    He has given you enough time to look for a replacement, take the chance and start looking ! Perhaps you would find someone who is good enough to handle the Black Stars! We have enough local coaches who are VERY VERY GOOD OR B ...
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  • atweranana 8 years ago

    Oooh...ghanians we have problem oooo....we talk too much

  • Abdul Azziz Tamale 8 years ago

    We talk too much and do nothing, no wonder we don't progress as a nation

  • Joe 8 years ago

    Ghanaians do not know the value of what they have until they lose it. This man has been unnecessarily criticized by Ghanaians from day 1 as if he cannot find any job anywhere. Now that he has decided to leave in January, I ...
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  • Abeiku SW2 London 8 years ago

    I don't blame you for not wanting to continue ...

  • Ojuku 8 years ago

    The GFA has not been fair to Avram Grant. As a good coach having talented crop of players, he has ambition to achieve something great with the Black Stars. Presently, the entire team and potential players to be added are all ...
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  • inercycl 8 years ago

    No go right now. You will be dismissed soon after the elections. You and your corrupt thief Nyantakyi would have a lot of questions to answer.

  • Papa Chris (Croydon, South London) 8 years ago

    Fare thee well, openyi Grant

  • Nii Joromi 8 years ago

    Dull, boring and rude old man. Just leave and you will be fired everywhere you go.

  • djakis 8 years ago

    why did we sack Akwasi Appia . Grant is not better than akwasi appiah.Grant doesn't want Ghana' s job

  • Antonio 8 years ago

    Ghanaians talk too much, he is tired of being subjected to insults and mockery all the time. Everyone thinks he knows all but knows nothing. Avram Grant brought confidence in the team, we no longer panic to win matches becaus ...
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  • SLIMMART 8 years ago

    That's what happens when people aren't vetted well before being offered a job. There is no commitment on Grant's part to succeed with the Stars. He's only with the job to make money coz the GFA hierarchy is clueless about neg ...
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  • Kwaku 8 years ago

    No wonder Ghana as a country is sinking n I can't just understand the mentality of Ghanaians, too many morons leaving there !!!!!

  • DIAMOND 8 years ago

    No, I think it's rather the morons living there. The wise ones are leaving.

  • Kwabena Piso 8 years ago

    AA should take over the mantle, no dilly dallying.

  • kwasi 8 years ago


  • edi 8 years ago

    Everton really wants grant to run their club

  • Mensah Abrampa 8 years ago

    The first country south of the Sahara to gain political independence with so much natural and human resources but nothing to show for it. All we do is talk and do nothing else. When others are running we are still crawling. W ...
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