
Black Stars new boy Inusah Musah promises to prove a point

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  • marie stopes 7 years ago

    boy. God's time is the best. rely on HIM not your current abilities.

  • Ojuku 7 years ago

    This boy should be wise to know that he is not there as a member of the real 23-man team but just for observation. He should be wise to keep quiet. Avram Grant is only trying to appease his unreasonable critics. There is noth ...
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  • Kofi 7 years ago

    Ojuku you are not intelligent, he's there because of his potentials right, why should he be quiet? He has a bright future full of confidence allow him to talk.

  • Kofi 7 years ago

    Home based players should not be discouraged, work hard many foreign base players aren't playing, they're on the bench they must compet for positions in the black stars.

  • A.M. 7 years ago

    You don't have to prove anything just play your game.