
Nii Lantey must apologise to Manhyia

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  • Obuobi 7 years ago

    Nobody owes allegiance to you thief king who is want for criminal charges in Canada. Stop shoving him down our throats. Let him stay in his lane nobody gives a fuck about him

  • John John 7 years ago

    Fuck you too Obuobi or who ever you are .

  • Pantagoros 7 years ago

    He should have gone to Ga mantse for advice...naaaa../.the gas don't have a mantse sua!!! shame on them

  • fuck u writter 7 years ago

    is seems u r blind. Nii Lantey will never let GFA chop Ghanaians money again enough is enough. U want a minister hu will fly millions of dollars to brazil for GFA to chop kwa