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Kotoko bus driver to blame for club’s fatal accident - Police

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  • Alhaji Yussif 7 years ago

    If the driver knew he ll crash it ll not be called accident but suicide attempt,accident can't happen even if there's no car on the road,a cow can causes accident,the police should take the account of the driver and stop the ...
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  • NATIVE 7 years ago

    Alhaji Yussif , am sorry but your comments are idiotic. All drivers must drive with caution and control their vehicles in motion. Arguing that accidents happen and a driver can ran into a cow is very silly. If that is your m ...
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  • oppong london 7 years ago

    how can a driver hit or rammed into a stationary vehicle,he was probably sleeping on the wheel as he didn,t make any attempt of overtaking,anyway he must be blamed for the accident[the driver].

  • Ama 7 years ago

    In as much as the driver is to be blamed for poor visibility.

    1. Was it necessary for the team to get back to Kumasi late after the match. Could they not have looked for a budget hotel in Tema to lodge for one night and ...
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  • JM 7 years ago

    From all the versions I've heard, I think the Truck didn't have lights or reflectors are the rare, which is illegal but common in GH

  • Kwappiah 7 years ago

    The truck had a problem running and the POLICE should 've been around to direct traffic. Police shd stop the blame game.

  • Truth 7 years ago

    So many versions of same story. Stationary to Moving truck. Fertilizer to Rice cargo etc. Why all these inconsistencies? Where are we rushing to?

  • OBODAI 7 years ago


  • Nana Owusu 7 years ago

    The police doesn't know what they are saying. How can a mate lie under a moving vehicle?

  • Ghanaba 7 years ago

    To 1 district 1 factory!!

  • SKIPPER 7 years ago


  • Ken Ntiamoa 7 years ago

    He does. A chain smoker and akpeteshie drunkard. You can tell from his looks.
    He should not be driving. Kotoko's management should have known better.

    Baba Yara became an invalid from a similar accident several years ago.
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  • George Ganyo 7 years ago

    Ken, looks could be deceptive. You make your first statement as if you have indisputable knowledge that the driver is a drunkard. Don't soil others reputation by such inferences

  • Julius Ceasar 7 years ago

    They were trying to save money by not spending the night there at a hotel. They made a big mistake they should have spent the night. very bad decision. Africa as a continent is plagued by leaders always making bad decisions a ...
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  • KK 7 years ago

    Drivers for your own lives and the live of other get your eyes tested. If you have poor eyesight use glasses

  • UNKNOWN 7 years ago

    this isnt about eye that time of the night who would have seen that coming...the problem is we should start towing all broken down truck on our roads....

  • Koo 7 years ago

    Is unfortunate for a police commander to come out with his judgement without doing his investigations very well.whats the speed limit on that road,are these two moving cars were on the constant speed limit ?

  • GOOD ONE THERE 7 years ago

    This Ghana Police should let as have our peace of mind, any time we ask of what is the cause you will say is too early you are investigating, Have you finish with your investigations? or this one is different.

  • Revelation + Rationality= Truth 7 years ago

    Driver is in critical condition, facts have not been gathered from all parties including driver who is perhaps fighting for his life.

    On what grounds can the police pass judgement?

  • UNKNOWN 7 years ago

    i agree with you....which driver will see death and go and meet it...the police should ask why the break down truck was still in the middle of the road

  • TRUE PATRIOT 7 years ago

    The police officer is lying. All reports indicate dat de car was stationary. Why grant interview if u do not ve de facts. Shame on u

  • KB 7 years ago

    Most Ghanaian drivers over speed. The speed limit on most of our roads is 80km per hour. It is only the motor way which is 100km/hr.

  • King Deed 7 years ago

    Hehehe... stupid politicians,legislators and judiciary forming stupid governments with stupid laws favouring themselves and cronies, awarding dubious contracts to stupid contractors and engineers from stupid universities in ...
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  • NATIVE 7 years ago

    King Deed you have some good points on the short comings on the institutional side of the problem. The amazing thing is our institutions entrusted to handle road safety now thinks the best solution to prevent accidents of th ...
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  • Blame game 7 years ago

    What do you expect when all projects are executed to win votes. Manama didn't care about road signs he only wanted votes.

  • Kookoolokoo 7 years ago

    Eye problem.At his age, he needs glasses to drive at night, even during the day time.

  • George Ganyo 7 years ago

    The MIT optometrist. At what age do you need eye glasses? 40, 50, 60, ......100?

  • Me 7 years ago

    Ghanaweb should be directive when circulating videos and pictures of accidents or incidents "viewer discretion is advised" dont even know if u guys do follow da ethics of journalism. Just post any Bloody stuff here for users ...
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  • oderfuor 7 years ago

    police trying to mislead the public because the account of the drivers version is not out yet because he's in critical condition please police be on the field to amass the necessary info and the that road does it have speed l ...
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  • Akuoko USA 7 years ago

    This is nonsense. Lack of discipline on the road and police corruption should be blamed. In addition politicization of effective measures is another factor. Why should trucks park on highways? Some truck drivers travel in the ...
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  • Felix KWAAH YEBOAH, USAtheir 7 years ago

    so Kotoko and Hearts can not afford a plane to and from Kumasi and Accra for their teams? it's too early for police to blame Kotoko driver. You said the driver is in a critical condition so whom did you talk to for you to ar ...
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  • adomakoh froboo 7 years ago

    The policeman should be called to order. He must hear the side of the driver before issuing such statement. People are traumatized so he must be careful what he says. Kotoko did not want to spend the night in Accra because th ...
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  • Dessie 7 years ago

    Hypocrisy:if he was driving over speed limit at what point causing of ticketing was issue by police eventhough there could have been police check point between.Irresponsible citizens and point only fingers when there is trou ...
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  • Asare Oko 7 years ago

    Kotoko is not serious. in the first place, how old is the driver? what is his his visual acuity?
    instead of employing a competent personnel, they risked relying on this old folk, and the result is what they have gotten.

  • Abramson Kwabena Ampomah 7 years ago

    I was telling a friend same thing yesterday when it happened. If the car was parked stationary and had no lights. The bus's headlights can travel about 160-200 feet (That is more than the size of one and half plot of land) a ...
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  • Bad bad 7 years ago

    That is bad..

  • TTatada 7 years ago

    Very sad news and is it because is kotoko so the police should keep quite? eeeiii Ghana. You crushed at the rear of a moving vehicle ahead of you ! Then you maybe sleeping. This should not happens to a defensive minded driver ...
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  • aziz 7 years ago

    I think the police are not doing the best so far as this issue is concern.

  • Mallam Zarki 7 years ago

    Stop attacking the police. They don't have to hear the Kotoko driver's version to come to the conclusion they have. The truck was in motion, but at a very slow pace due to the load it was carrying. The vehicle following, that ...
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  • AMOS OKYERE 7 years ago

    Was that stupid police there when the accident take place?
    He should shout his mouth up.
    My GOD will punish this man. Master nipa ani abr3 oooo.

    Ask yourself if it was you.

  • calistus 7 years ago

    I don't. Know if the police. man is a professional. One,come to the us and see if u will find a broken truck by the road side it will be tow immediately.A bus rams into a stationary. Truck and u blame the driver. Of the bus a ...
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  • 666 HEAL SATANIC 7 years ago

    black magic spiritualist in Ghana professor0244908520 in science divine the grand master...healing of HIV
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  • odehyeba 7 years ago

    this sooo called commander is sooo senseless to the brim the driver's mate of the truck was sleeping under the truck. how can someone sleep under a car DAT is in motion .Gyemii Police

  • good magic 7 years ago

    black magic spiritualist in Ghana professor0244908520 in science divine the grand master...healing of HIV
    money rituals magnetic belt to bring money magic wallet king Solomon ring
    for ...
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  • msayikah 7 years ago

    journalists IN GHANA ARE LAZY, and no proper investigation. do we have to believe the police or the media

  • Nana Owusu 7 years ago

    What you are saying doesn't add up. How can a mate of that 'moving vehicle' lie under the car when the car was in motion. Do well to conduct your investigations well Mr. Commander and come again

  • NON-ALIGNED 7 years ago

    What about the parked truck without the tail-lights or the road triangle to show for a faulty truck??????

    Do the police ever arrest and seize cars with no tail lights or going around as scrap????? NO! They take bribe and l ...
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  • King Deed 7 years ago

    In less than 24hours investigations has been completed.... As usual one-sided account.. no forensics, no nothing!!! Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana...

  • DOMPE 7 years ago

    Something is just not right with Asante Kotoko foent .
    otball club judging from the various histoy of their road accidents in the p and the present.

  • Ama 7 years ago

    Drivers should exercise caution kéké. Why travel at night if you don't have to...on that stretch I'm sure the truck had no backlights and this driver was speeding.

  • Innocent Ghanaian 7 years ago

    May Kumasi Asante KotoKo; The Porcupine Warriors Be Comforted. May Asanteman Be Comforted. May Ghana Be Comforted. "It Is Finished"; Therefore, "Occupy Till I Come". A Time To Think.

  • kotoko World 7 years ago

    Call (0032483407371) for foreign football contract or Shengen visa.

  • Nathaniel Asamoah 7 years ago

    please am asking..if it had rained and the match was called off to be played the next day, wouldn't the team have slept to play the match the next must work in our teams and GFA. unsafe condition, unsafe act All pl ...
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  • John Ghanaba 7 years ago

    Comiserations ,but let's hope someone else did not take his driving test for him, if indeed he took one at all.ghana must make sure all drivers are properly and fully trained to the max.there are too many undesirables behind ...
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  • Abuaku 7 years ago

    90% accident in Ghana are caused by drivers error.The light of the bus could have seen in some meters away even if the truck doesnt have back reflected lights.So its simply,two things caused this accident.Either,the driver wa ...
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  • Atakum y3 tah 7 years ago

    Hmmmm Gh na wa o

  • romeo 7 years ago

    Sleeping driver

  • Nii 7 years ago

    Why put the blame on the poor faithful servant of the club? Do you think that he deliberately did that or what? It's an accident and we have to learn something from that. Apportioning blame will not help anybody. We only have ...
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  • Nii 7 years ago

    Kotoko accident. Correction pls

  • Nana Powers (+233265882533) 7 years ago

    Good news for those who are ready for help I'm a spiritual man of god's who helps people to find life easier to people,Protection and more blessings, Am sure and I promise everyone who needs my help will never regret in their ...
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  • varo 7 years ago

    how come the driver's mate was sleeping under a truck in motion per the pictures circulating on social media???

  • Jeff, UK 7 years ago

    His only experience is that he been commuting between Kumasi and Accra in the last 20 yrs or so. The best qualified. Rubbish Ghana drivers