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Ambulance Case: I have no knowledge about the letter, I never engaged in any fraudulent act – Jakpa

Richard Jakpa Richard Jakpa FotoJet(1) Third accused in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial, Richard Jakpa

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 Source:

The third accused in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial, Richard Jakpa, has denied claims that he was released from the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) based on fraudulent acts.

According to Jakpa, the allegations presented in court are unsubstantiated and unfounded. He asserts that the military never confronted him about the letter, which dates back 17 years.

In an interview after court, Jakpa stated, "I want to correct some misconceptions and mischief that the Attorney General (AG) and the government have created. They are using their surrogate media houses to peddle falsehoods, twist proceedings, and bring out evidence I have no idea about, trying to put it on me.

"The AG brought a pile of documents to the court about my military career. I left the military about 17 years ago. Now, he has brought a document purporting that I committed certain crimes according to this letter. In fact, I was not copied on this letter, I have no knowledge of it, and these allegations are unsubstantiated and unfounded. I was never confronted by the military about this letter 17 years ago. Today is the first day I have seen this letter. I was released under a clause in our Armed Forces Administration Volume, which states that I am being released for my lack of application or interest, which has nothing to do with misconduct. I was not released due to misconduct."

Richard Jakpa's comments follow the presentation of his dismissal letter from the GAF by Deputy Attorney General Alfred Tuah-Yeboah on June 27.

This document was introduced as evidence in the ongoing ambulance procurement trial.

Despite objections from the defense, the judge admitted the document into evidence on Thursday, June 27.

The prosecution argued that Jakpa’s dismissal letter was crucial for establishing his character and the circumstances of his involvement in the ambulance procurement process. The letter outlined reasons for Jakpa’s termination, including allegations of misconduct and breaches of military protocols. NAY/OGB

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