
Cameron Duodu to deliver GNA @ 50 Lecture

Thu, 22 Feb 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, Feb. 22, GNA - The Ghana News Agency, the only statutory organisation specifically set up to collect and distribute objective, unbiased and truthful news to other media houses, would be celebrating its 50th anniversary on March 5, 2007.

In connection with the celebration Mr Cameron Duodu, a Veteran Ghanaian Journalist based in London, would deliver the 93GNA @ 50 Lecture" at the Accra International Conference Centre on Monday March 5 2007 at 1600 hours.

The celebration is on the theme: 93Retooling GNA To Make It As Relevant Today As It Was In The Beginning".

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, First President, inaugurated GNA on the eve of Ghana's Independence on March 5 1957 in a room at the Headquarters of Ghana Information Service at James Town, Accra. The GNA at its nascent was charged to champion the cause of the underprivileged in the society and to bring their concerns to the attention of Government.

Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, who referred to GNA as his 93baby", said: 93I foresee the day when the initials 93GNA" tagged to news items would find an unchallenged place in any newspaper of standing wherever it may be."

The Agency played its role so well that during the inauguration of its permanent Office at the Ministries in Accra in 1965, Osagyefo Nkrumah said: 93We are gathered here today to inaugurate this new and modern building of the Ghana News Agency.

"These Offices are vastly different from the humble quarters, in James Town, where I first inaugurated the Ghana News Agency only eight short years ago.

"The growth of the Ghana News Agency since 1957; symbolises in many ways the gigantic strides made by Ghana in eight brief years of independence.

"From humble beginning, and bearing the heavy burden of a colonial legacy, we are developing with great speed into a strong and progressive State with the great goal of socialism", Osagyefo Nkrumah said. Africa

Source: GNA
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