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Christians will not be cowed by Islamic fundamentalists – Agyin-Asare

Bishop Charles Agyin Asare New

Sun, 5 Apr 2015 Source:

Founder of Perez Chapel International Bishop charles Agyin-Asare has said it is high time Christians stood up for their freedom to worship in the wake of festering Islamic fundamentalism and terrorist attacks on Christianity.

"We won’t keep quiet anymore because one of the charters of the UN is that everybody should have freedom of worship, however, some people believe that they should kill others so that they are the only people who can worship their 'whoever'," Bishop Agyin-Asare said on Easter Sunday in direct reference to al-Shabab’s massacre of 148 students, staff and police at Garissa University College in Kenya on Thursday.

"It’s unfortunate; it’s high time the UN did something about it and we are going to do something about it," he said.

Kenya held three days of mourning for the 148 victims of the militant group’s attack.

Easter ceremonies were held on Sunday to remember the dead.

President Uhuru Kenyatta has vowed to respond to the attack "in the severest way possible".

One of the gunmen has been identified as the son of a government official, the interior ministry has said.

He was named as Abdirahim Abdullahi, whose father is a local chief in Mandera County in the north-east of the country.

"The father had reported to security agents that his son had disappeared from home... and was helping the police try to trace his son by the time the Garissa terror attack happened," ministry spokesman Mwenda Njoka said.

Four gunmen were killed during the siege, and officials said they were holding five people for questioning.

Bishop Agyin-Asare said Sunday that Christianity was the panacea to Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism.

"The reason why Islamist fundamentalists are behaving the way they are doing is because we haven’t given them the gospel," he said, adding: "If we had taken the Bible to them, they would not take the gun or the sword."

In his estimation, there are more than 200 million Islamic fundamentalists in the world on a religious cleansing campaign aimed at exterminating all Christians from the face of the earth.

According to his calculations, if between 10 and 17 per cent of Muslims are thought to be fundamentalists, then it means more than 200 million of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslim population is targeting Christians to harm them for being Christians.
