Measures have however been implemented to minimise risk of exposure to Coronavirus
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has informed the public that the passport office will resume operations in all its centers across the country from today, Monday, 18 May 2020.
A statement issued by the Ministry said; “The online application portal will be opened for booking of appointments from Wednesday 20 May 2020”.
The public will be required to comply with the following measures with which it intends to minimise the risk of exposure to the spread of COVID-19 in consonance with the government’s directives.
1. Applicants and official visitors alike must wear facemasks and have their own personal hand sanitisers before they can be allowed entry into passport application centers (PAC). (No Facemask No Entry) (No Hand sanitiser No Entry)
2. Applicants and official visitors alike will undergo temperature screening before they are allowed entry into PAC
3. Applicants and official visitors must wash their hands at vantage points of the premises before they are allowed into PAC
4. Applicants and official visitors are required to adhere to strict social distancing measures adopted at the PACS and cooperate with officials at the passport office.
Also, only applicants with appointments for capturing will be allowed entry into a PAC.
Applicants with appointments have been advised to should show up only at the time of their appointments.