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EC has insulted Ghanaians, caused financial loss to the state – PNC

Jean Mensa EC Chairperson 2020 New 2020 EC Chair, Jean Mensa

Mon, 17 Aug 2020 Source:

National Organizer of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Daniel Nana Ohene Ntow, has accused the electoral commission of causing financial loss to the state after it announced that the current register is bloated.

He further said the EC’s compilation of a bloated new register is an insult to Ghanaians, hence, must come out to apologise for the ‘unfortunate’ incident.

His comments come after the EC chair, Jean Mensa promised Ghanaians a credible electoral roll which will be devoid of unqualified people.

Speaking on ‘Frontline’ on Rainbow radio 87.5Fm, Mr Ntow said “The EC chair told us that, for her to organize a credible election; she needed a new register because the old one was bloated. You were given money to compile a new one, and later you tell us the new one is also bloated with minors and foreigners. They [EC] have insulted Ghanaians and must apologize.

“EC has caused financial loss to the state and must have the leaders prosecuted. What was she [Jean Mensa] talking about? Is she now telling Ghanaians we will not have a credible election? The EC chair must account to Ghanaians,” he added.

The EC on August 12, 2020, admitted that the recently compiled electoral roll has names of foreigners and minors.

“We are aware that a number of minors have found their way into the register. We are confident that the challenge processes initiated at all district centres will unearth these illegal persons and rid the register of those who do not qualify to there,” Jean Mensa stated.

She, however, assured Ghanaians the Commission will rid the election register of the names of the foreigners and minors for the country to have a free, fair and credible election in the December polls.

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