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Fufu is killing Africans - Mensa Otabil

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Thu, 23 Feb 2017 Source:

Sitting down to a mouth-watering bowl of fufu with some finger-licking soup is a thing most Africans look forward to.

Many may be taken aback hearing this however, Founder of the International Central Gospel Church has said that "fufu" is "killing" Africans.

He said this while speaking on the need for a change in the mindset and attitudes of Africans to facilitate growth and development at the National convocation of the 2017 Springboard Roadshow.

Fufu is one of the many favorite delicacies in several African countries, the dish which is prepared with either cooked cassava and plantain, yam and or cocoyam usually requires two people and a lot of energy to pound.

According to him, the process involved in its preparation is unnecessarily stressful and unhygienic.

"Any food that if you have to eat you'll have to punish yourself like this, what's the sense in it? And the annoying thing is when you're pounding, the sweat will be going in and will be mixed, and even in the mortar, there are all kinds of bacteria in the corners, this is an ecosystem for bacteria, 5 years and we are still pounding and people will say, that's what we like."

He added that for the most part, Africans blame their woes on evil supernatural beings rather than identifying the real cause of the problem and dealing with it. This he said is due to the unwillingness to adapt to changing trends even when there are better ways of doing things.

"It's killing us; because you know Africans we don't know what kills us, the thing is killing us but you say it's a witch, because we never identify objectively the cause of the problem.....Come to think of it, this fufu in this mortar is not sanitized , what impact does it have on our lives?
