
Ghana sends third-highest number of students from Africa to UK

Ghanaian Students Abroad Ew Ghanaian students at a lecture hall

Wed, 4 Dec 2019 Source:

Latest figures from show a total enrollment of 1,475 students from Ghana studying in the UK universities.

The UK is the second most patronized study abroad destination for foreigners and it plays host to over 458,000 international students.

Ghana contributes somewhat a relatively high number of students to the UK.

According to the latest enrollment statistics covering the 2017/18 academic year, the UK universities counted exactly 1,475 Ghanaian students. And this made Ghana come third as the largest group of African students in the UK. It falls behind only Egypt (2,570) and Kenya (2,190).

Other insights can be picked from the annual statistical report about international enrollment in the UK.

On the academic level front, majority of them are postgraduate students. Out of the total number of 1,475 students, 1,080 of them are pursuing a postgraduate degree, statistics read.

Undergraduate students also accounted for 395. In percentage terms, 72% of Ghanaian students in UK universities during 2017/18 were studying for postgraduate degrees.

England was the most popular study choice for Ghanaian students compared to the other parts of the UK; Scotland, Wales and in Northern Ireland.

The UK’s bid to maintain its ranking in the international higher education market, is seeing it work towards a more appealing international education strategy. This, the UK believes would see the number of foreign students increase by 30% in the near future.

In line with this goal, they’re taking a set of measures, including an intensive promotional campaign and a facilitated student visa policy.

Moreover, they are re-considering international fees for non-EU students. All that in mind, it is likely that students from Ghana and other African countries will gain fantastic momentum and their number in UK universities will increase significantly.

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