Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, the General Overseer and Presiding Bishop of Action Chapel International Ministry, says the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of resurrection, which brought Jesus out of the grave.
He noted that without the Holy Spirit, Jesus wouldn’t have come out of the grave.
He said Christians must, therefore, be conscious of the person of the Holy Spirit on daily basis, saying, “It was the Holy Spirit who brought him (Jesus) back from the dead, so without the Holy Spirit you and I can’t survive.
“We are sealed with (the Holy Spirit) against the day of redemption, it means you and I, our resurrection is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit; we are marked for resurrection on that glorious day of the first resurrection, and if we are not caught up in the rapture, then it will take the Holy Spirit to bring us back.”
Archbishop Duncan-Williams said this when he delivered his 2021 Easter Sunday sermon on the theme: “Keep Being Filled by the Holy Spirit”, to his congregation at the Church's Headquarters in Accra.
“So, this (the Holy Spirit) is a personality among the heavenly body of the trinity that we can’t ignore or take for granted.”
The Archbishop underscored the need to be filled by the Spirit, noting that, many Christians were not spirit-led because they were spiritually weak, and not filled by the Holy Spirit.
“We are not maturing because we are not paying attention to the Holy Spirit, and not allowing him to guide us.”
Archbishop Duncan-Williams said being filled with the Spirit would give Christians the authority to override everything, adding that “nothing offends you when you are filled with the Spirit.”
He said, to forgive and forget was an act of the Holy Spirit, and without him (the Holy Spirit), it was impossible to do so, saying, “we can’t serve God by reasoning and emotions; the love of Christ surpasses all knowledge.”