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I was fit when Dame pressured me to secure excuse duty - Jakpa to court

Jakpa 1 Richard Jakpa .png Richard Jakpa is the third accused person in the ongoing ambulance trial

Fri, 28 Jun 2024 Source:

Richard Jakpa, the third accused in the ambulance purchase trial has asserted that he was coerced by Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame into obtaining a fake medical excuse duty, despite being in good health.

Jakpa's claim came to light during a tense cross-examination on Thursday, June 27, led by Deputy Attorney-General Alfred Tuah-Yeboah.

Jakpa alleged that the A-G pressured him to fabricate a medical excuse to avoid a court appearance, believing that his absence would strategically benefit the case.

He described the AG's persistent demands, which placed him in an ethical quandary, as he felt obligated to comply even though he was fully capable of attending court.

The accused's testimony has sparked calls for an in-depth investigation into the A-G's conduct and intentions in the case.

Countering Jakpa's allegations, the prosecution maintained their innocence, insisting that no such directive was issued. The A-G's office characterized Jakpa's statements as a diversionary tactic aimed at shifting focus from the trial's main issues and undermining the prosecution's credibility.

The prosecution reaffirmed their dedication to conducting a just and transparent legal proceeding, firmly rejecting any suggestions of manipulation or impropriety.


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