Image shows how some students are struggling to get water with most gallons empty
Authorities of the Salaga Senior High School (SHS) and T.I Ahmadiyya Senior High School at Salaga in the East Gonja District of the Northern region may soon send students home following water scarcity that has hit the area in the past few days
School authorities have revealed to that they resort to tanker services for domestic use a situation they revealed is having a toll on their finances.
Pipes in the area have not seen water flowing through them since 2010 a situation that has left both residents and students in distress during the dry season because hand dug wells have also dried up
At the Salaga SHS with a student population of 1,804 a senior staff explained that it is becoming extremely difficult to get water for them to bath and also provide for the kitchen to prepare meals.
According to him, students alternatively have to spend several hours trekking to the Kpembi dam which is about 2kilometres away from the school in search of water.
“A student can come to class as late as 10am and when you ask he or she tells you it is because of water and you don’t have anything to say” he added.
A 52,000 euro water aid project which was also constructed in 2015 with t a mechanised borehole, has low yield and currently not serving the purpose for which it was put up
Meanwhile the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Salaga South constituency Adam Salifu Braimah has also stated that the water situation in the Salaga township and its surrounding communities is one of his priorities and has called on all sons and daughters of the area to see the situation as their own and support.
“Even though I trust the president Nana Addo to deal with the situation, I also think our contribution as citizens of the land will help augment government’s efforts since we are the immediate beneficiaries”, he stated.