
Inside story of Owusu Bempah’s 2019 visit to Chief Imam – Spokesperson recounts

77421598 Owusu Bempah in an embrace with the Chief Imam | File photo

Sun, 8 Jan 2023 Source:

Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah of the Glorious Word Power Ministries International during his 2022 31st December watchnight service mentioned the name of the Chief Imam Sheikh Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu.

It was the second time the name of the Imam had been mentioned during a watchnight service.

Back in 2019, Owusu Bempah prophesied that Sheikh Sharubutu was going to die, which incident resulted in an attack on his church by some violent Muslim youth.

A reconciliation visit happened months later with the Imam publicly forgiving Owusu Bempah. Four years on, Owusu Bempah cited the Chief Imam again (not in a prophecy) but referencing the 2019 incident.

“Whatever I see today, I will proclaim. People refer to my prophecy about the Chief Imam, that I prophesied about him and he is still alive. Do you know what went on between the Chief Imam and I?

“When I was in his bedroom, do you know what went on? Please, if you don’t know; don’t talk against it. Those saying such are kids, they don’t know anything,” he told his congregation in the leadup to the release of his prophecies for 2023.

Witness account to what happened during Bempah’s visit

Speaking on the January 5, 2023 edition of the GTV Breakfast show, Sheikh Armiyawo Shaibu, the spokesman of the Imam gave an account of what happened during Owusu Bempah’s visit.

As to whether the pastor accessed the Chief Imam’s bedroom as he claimed, the spokesperson said: “I don’t know whether he went inside the room,” stressing that he sat through the entire meeting but does not know if a one-on-one discussion took place at any point.

“Owusu Bempah arrived at Chief Imam’s house when Chief Imam had stepped out. He came under the leadership of the late Nuamah Donkor, his mentor under whose care he had lived since he came to Accra.

“I told Pastor Owusu Bempah when I looked at him in the hall, at the time Chief Imam hadn’t arrived, I told him ‘pastor, relax! In this room, nothing will happen to you’…I had to give him assurance … (that) once he is in the Chief Imam’s Hall, no one.

“Chief Imam arrived from his inner chamber and embraced Owusu Bempah and sat him next to him, close,” he added.

When it was time to meet the media, “he held Owusu Bempah’s hand like a small boy,” explaining that the gesture was to send a signal that when you touch him, you touch me.

After the media session, they entered another meeting, where Owusu Bempah didn’t want to talk because his mentor had spoken.

Sheikh Shaibu said it was when the Imam made a statement to the effect that “any incident of this nature has behind it the wisdom of God behind it,” that Owusu Bempah sought for a minute to say a word.

“He said he appreciates the depth of Chief Imam’s wisdom and that from that day he had taken the Chief Imam as his father and from time to time, he would be coming to him for advice, that is exactly what Owusu Bempah said,” the spokesman recounted.

He emphasized that “whether before or after, there had been any one-on-one,” he could not tell.

“Owusu Bempah can still make his prophecies without necessarily mentioning the Chief Imam and in doing so, anytime he does so, it triggers the anger of the generality of Muslims even though the Chief Imam will be forgiving,” he added.

He also cautioned the media against sensationalizing headlines with respect to the Imam’s name citing how some YouTube videos tend to abuse the use of especially his image on content that has nothing to do with him.

Chief Imam’s office cautions Owusu Bempah

The National Chief Imam’s office recently cautioned against pronouncements Owusu Bempah made about him during his 31st December, 2022 watchnight service.

He disclaimed a GhanaWeb report that suggested that he had said the Chief Imam contacted him to look into his destiny.


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