
Keep off Aso rock now - Prophet warns Buhari

Muhammadu Buhari

Sat, 11 Apr 2015 Source: nationalparrot

Reveals Spiritual Forces don’t want GEJ to leave Aso Rock

* Buhari beware of suicide bomber and. Food. Poisoning

* Swearing-in President-Elect and Constitutional Crisis.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open” (Luke 8: 17) thus “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them (because) It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret” (Ephesians 5: 11-12).

Congratulations to retired General Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressive Congress (APC) and his running mate, Professor Yemi Osinbajo for being elected as president and vice-president respectively of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I felicitate with Nigerians all over the world and Africans in general for the anticipated orderly transfer of power for the first time from an incumbent to an opposition presidential candidate in Africa’s most populous nation on earth.

The election of retired Gen Buhari as president-elect did not come to us as a surprise. As I pointed out in my prediction for the Year 2015, which was published in this column in December 2014, inter alia; “…President Goodluck Jonathan should not attempt to contest for the 2015 Presidential Election. If he does, not only will he lose, he will also be humiliated. Many of those he has surrounded himself with are mostly deceiving him.

The Lord said Mr. Jonathan had played his part in the history of Nigeria and should retire to Otuoke, Bayelsa State with honor and humility in 2015. However, he is being deceived by some forces, especially those who advised him to embark on Holy Pilgrimage to Israel as a way of winning the presidential election next year. He should also not succumb to forces telling him to belong to a secret society in order to ensure his election victory in 2015. The Lord said Jonathan is being deceived and should not succumb to such lies and deceptions.”

We warned again in another letter to Outgoing President Jonathan in a separate open letter addressed to him and reiterated what the Holy Spirit of the True Lord God Almighty showed to us. As recently as ten days ago, we warned and assured President Jonathan he would lose the Saturday March 28, 2015 presidential election in Nigeria, even though it was rescheduled from Saturday February 14, 2015 and that has come to pass.

*President-elect Muhammadu Buhari: Must be careful between now and Inauguration Day on Saturday May 29, 2015.

Now we have a president-elect and vice president-elect, against all odds and the doomsday predictions about Nigeria. While we are all celebrating the triumph of the will of the generality of Nigerians in entrusting the affairs of the Nigerian nation into the steady hands of retired Gen. Muhmmadu Buhari, as evinced by the results of the just-concluded Saturday March 28, 2015 presidential election, I want to sound an urgent alarm and a timely warning to Nigerians that, if we are not spiritually alert, our joy may be short-lived. In the midst of the current jollification, well-deserved revelry, high-fives and national Kumbaya, Outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan has conceded defeat and has called on our president-elect to congratulate him.

All former heads of state, captains of industry, the shakers and movers and Nigeria’s political cum socio-economic gurus and “murkety murks” have started trooping in to pledge their loyalty and support for the New Man. The APC is rejoicing and the PDP which once touted itself as the largest political party in Black Africa is hemorrhaging politically and many of their wheeler-dealers are now endangered species.

Many will soon head to political Siberia and Nigeria will not be the same. While outgoing President Jonathan has been magnanimous in defeat and there are plaudits around the world for his graceful exit and statesmanlike disposition, I warn Nigerians not be sucked in and deceived. The APC and majority of Nigerians have just won a political war, but there is going to be an intense spiritual warfare never seen in the history of Nigeria for the traditional orderly transfer of power to take place.

President Goodluck Jonathan and his gang aren’t ready to go down like this; Nigerians should not be deceived and retired Gen Buhari should not be sucked in and bamboozled either by all these congratulatory messages coming in from all directions. The True Lord God Almighty is who He is: the most powerful through the Holy Spirit and He just spoke to us as He does always and He never misses. Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Apostles in Acts 1: 4: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.” The Lord was referring to the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost). Without Him, the apostles and by extension, all true servants and genuine children of God cannot function and do the work of the Father here on earth.

One of the basic functions of the Holy Spirit in the life of every redeemed child of the Living God is in John 16: 13: “But when he, the (Holy) Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth…and he will tell you what is yet to come.” The meaning of “…what is yet to come” is called prophecy and as Revelation 19: 10 aptly says; “the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The True Lord God Almighty spoke to the prophets of old and He still speaks to us today. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

There are three things that the enemies of Nigeria and those still hard-assed against the presidency of Gen Buhari have on ground and have planned last year and are waiting to implement between now and Friday May 29, 2015 to prevent retired Gen Muhammadu Buhari and Prof Yemi Osinbajo from being sworn in as president and vice-president respectively. It’s not over until it is over.

There are sinister plans and malevolent devices afoot by the agents of darkness and harbingers of wraith in our fatherland. These are not conspiracy theories. They are real and if Nigerians, the APC and President-elect Buhari dismiss these warnings with a wave of the hand, we will all live to regret it. While briefing journalists during the British sterling monetary crisis in 1964, Prime Minister Harold Wilson of Great Britain said: “A week is a long time in politics.” I bet Nigerians that 60 days (between now and May 29, 2015) is more like eternity.

The forces of darkness are about to wield it but it will fail if President-elect Buhari takes it seriously and act as revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. During this Transition Period between now and Friday May 29, 2015 culminating in the swearing-in and inauguration, President-elect Buhari will of necessity be invited to Aso Rock to meet with the outgoing President Jonathan as it is normal in administrative and political change of guards.

The Holy Spirit showed me what is afoot to knock President-elect Buhari off; he should not drink tea or anything, not even drink water when he is invited into Aso Rock Villa between now and Inauguration Day, Friday May 29, 2015. If it is possible, I will advise President-elect Muhamadu Buhari to allow his foot soldiers and future administration officials only to serve in the Transition Team without him going to Aso Rock for now. In fact, my honest and candid advice to President-elect Muhammadu Buhari is to steer clear of that Villa between now and his inauguration day onFriday May 29, 2015 if it is possible.

The Lord God Almighty showed me the incident of the tea that was given to the late Chief MKO Abiola which killed him on July 08, 1998 a month after the death of Gen Sani Abacha. I could not pass the message out to his family members, because I too was incarcerated at the dreaded Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), Apapa, Lagos by late Sani Abacha. The only person I could share it with tangentially was Uncle Olabiyi Durojaiye, who later became a senator after the death of Sani Abacha. Uncle Biyi had asked me if Chief MKO Abiola would eventually become president following the death of Sani Abacha on June 08, 1998 and I told Chief Durojaiye that Chief MKO Abiola would not become president and he was likely to be killed by poison in 1998.

That machinery has been activated right now as Option C by the extant satanic forces and demonic agents holding Nigeria hostage that the Lord God Almighty wants to use Buhari and Osinbajo to dislodge. In fact, Outgoing President Jonathan himself may not be aware of the presence of these fifth columnists inside Aso Rock. There are several things in the offing in Nigeria this year, including many known and popular Nigerians that will die. I will not delve into all that right now as the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, but some of these monumental events that are in the offing had been disclosed in my Predictions and Prophecies for 2015 which I released last year December.

But these Satanic plans are the immediate ones that should engage the attention of the President-elect right now. Our future First Lady, Aisha Buhari should step up the plate right now and take personal charge of what the President-elect eats from now till inauguration day on Friday May 29, 2015. I have discharged my duty as a true man of God. I pray that Peace be unto Nigerians and the Lord God Almighty will bless our President-elect and vice-president elect including their immediate family members and the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Source: nationalparrot
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