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MP dares IGP over missing Metro Mass buses

Metro Mass Fleet

Mon, 19 Jan 2015 Source:

Member of Parliament for the Bantama constituency in the Ashanti Region, Henry Kokofu has dared the Inspector General of Police to prove his office worthy of plaudits by retrieving all missing buses belonging to the Metro Mass Transit Company Ltd.

The 12 buses, designated for auctioning at the MMT went missing from the company’s yard in Kumasi. This among other reasons and has sparked agitations among workers of the transport company who have threatened who subsequently embarked on a protest. The Ashanti regional police command had already retrieved 4 but 8 are still missing.

The workers believe some corrupt senior officers of the MMT sold the buses to private individuals without following due processes.

But Starr News’ Ashanti regional correspondent Isaac Bediako reports the police has located four of the buses at a private mechanic shop in Kumasi.

Speaking to Accra based Peace FM, Mr. Kokofu has asked the police to properly investigate allegations that implicate the police service and some senior officials of MTTC.

“I went for an unannounced official visit to the MTTC office in Kumasi and what I saw with my own eyes was not commendable. The police are slacking and if the IGP and the MTTU don’t act fast these buses will be missing for good” he said.

Henry Kokofu said he would make a case in parliament for to ensure the house sets up a committee to look into the MTTC debacle.
