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Mahama hasn’t said he is against Free SHS - Kwasi Aboagye clashes with Omane Acheampong

Omane Acheampong And Kwasi Aboagye 2.png Omane Acheampong and Kwasi Aboagye

Mon, 1 Jul 2024 Source:

Media personality Kwasi Aboagye has criticized gospel musician Nicholas Omane Acheampong for alleging that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, would abolish the Free SHS policy if he becomes president.

In a studio debate, Omane Acheampong insisted that Mahama plans to revoke the Free Senior High School (SHS) initiative if he triumphs in the 2024 elections, claiming it as a fact.

Aboagye strongly disputed Omane Acheampong's claim, emphasizing that the ex-president has not publicly stated such intentions.

In an intense exchange, the broadcaster reproached the gospel singer, advising him to avoid engaging in partisan politics and making unfounded accusations against Mahama.

"What have I fabricated?" Omane Acheampong asked. "Mahama claimed he initiated Free SHS, do you suggest he did? Why do some media members don't want to be realistic? Aren't you aware of the NDC's 419 free education scheme? No one can educate me."

Kwasi Aboagye, visibly agitated by the allegations, retorted in Twi, "It's astonishing that as a gospel artiste, you would propagate falsehoods on the radio. You assert that Mahama opposes Free SHS, yet he has made no such statement. When I threatened to remove you from the broadcast, you accused me of intimidation.

"You're spreading misinformation; the individual hasn't made that remark, and I won't tolerate it. You can't even provide proof. You've sent me three audio clips discussing orphans."

It's noteworthy that Omane Acheampong has repeatedly campaigned against Mahama, branding the former president as incompetent.

The artiste has also urged Ghanaians to reject Mahama in the polls, claiming he would abolish Free SHS, which currently benefits the disadvantaged in society.

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