
Mfantseman MP’s death: Forensic analysis on exhibits not ready - Police

MP Killers The Late Ekow Kwansah Hayford Mfantseman Member of Parliament, Ekow Quansah Hayford

Thu, 31 Dec 2020 Source: GNA

Police say forensic analysis of exhibits in connection with the robbery of the slain Mfantseman Member of Parliament, Ekow Quansah Hayford which was forwarded to the laboratory is yet to be ready.

The Prosecution led by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Fuseine Yakubu said the results of the forensic analysis would determine the Prosecution’s next line of action.

ASP Yakubu, therefore, prayed the court for an adjournment pending the outcome of the results of the forensic analysis.

Defence counsel repeated their application for bail for the accused persons but the court presided over by Mrs. Evelyn Asamoah turned it down.

At the last sitting, the Police informed the court that exhibits had been forwarded to Police Forensic Laboratory.

According to the prosecution, the report on the exhibits which included a pistol, pellets, and shells would determine the way forward in the trial.

The accused are: Alhassan Abubakar aka Abu Fulani, Naziru Fudailu Nash aka SP, Alhassan Mahama Yahaya aka Mystical Cloud, Amadu Yakubu, Haruna Osmanu, Adam Alhassan, Fuseini Alhassan aka Black Smith and Fred Tetteh aka Walace and one Mohammed and others who are said to be at large.

The accused are facing various charges of conspiracy to commit crime and robbery.

According to the Prosecution, Alhassan Abubakar aka Abu Fulani, is a mobile phone repairer residing at Akwatia Line, Kumasi and Naziru Fudailu Nash alias SP is a businessman living at Aboabo No. 2, Kumasi.

The prosecution said Alhassan Mahama Yahaya, aka Mystical Cloud, is unemployed and lives at Dansoman in Accra, Amadu Yakubu is a Mobile Money agent and lives at Mankessim Zongo whiles Haruna Osumanu is a trader, living at Mankessim.

The prosecution said on October 9, this year that the Police gathered information that armed robbers had barricaded a section of the road between Abeaze-Dominase and Duadze on the Mankessim Assufosu highway, robbing commuters of their mobile phones, monies and other valuables.

He said Police quickly mobilized men and proceeded to the scene but narrowly missed the robbers.

According to the prosecution, at the scene, the Police saw a number of vehicles parked on the road with some of the victims who had sustained various degrees of gunshot wounds with one dead.

The prosecution said a body was later identified as the Member of Parliament for Mfantsiman, Ekow Quansah Hayford.

According to the prosecution two of the victims one Patrick Asante, a Kia truck driver, and Uncle Issah the MP’s driver got seriously injured.

The prosecution added, the Police had to clear the road to restore traffic flow and conveyed the victims to Winneba and Cape Coast Hospitals for medical attention.

He said the body of the deceased Member of Parliament was later deposited at the Saltpond Mortuary pending autopsy.

According to prosecution, investigations revealed that, the late MP for Mfantsiman filed his nominations form on October 8, this year for re-election and decided to visit four communities in the Taabosom Electoral area namely; Effutakwa, Opim, Takoradi and Duadze.

The Prosecution said the MP arrived with his campaign team on board a Mitsubishi pickup branded in NPP colors and the robbers immediately fired gunshots into the vehicle, bursting the tyres of the vehicle which eventually stopped after running into a ditch.

The prosecution said the robbers surrounded them and demanded for all their valuables.

The robbers pointed a gun at Stephen Allan and asked whether he was the MP, which he replied in the negative.

Prosecution said Mr. Hayford, the MP owned up so they pounced on him and collected his Samsung galaxy 850 mobile phone and also demanded money.

The Prosecution said the late MP told the robbers that he had used up all his money as he was returning from a campaign tour.

“He, therefore, pleaded with them to take him to his house to give them money but they refused and shot him, killing him instantly,” the prosecution said.

According to the prosecution, the Police tracked the mobile phone of the deceased to Kumasi and arrested Nash at Aboabo in possession of the deceased Samsung galaxy 850 where Nash mentioned Abubakar as the person who sold the phone to him at GH¢780.00.

He said Nash led the Police to the Akwatia line where Abubakar was also arrested. Abubakar mentioned Mohammed as the one who sold the phone to him for GH¢680.00 and that Yahaya, Yakubu, Osumanu, and Alhassan were all arrested in connection with the robbery and murder of the MP.

The case has been adjourned to January 18 next year.

Source: GNA
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