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NDC parliamentary candidate for Sekondi kneels to beg Egyapa Mercer to help his constituents

Nyameke Blay Armah (left), Andrew Egyapa Mercer (right)

Thu, 22 Jun 2023 Source:

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary candidate for Sekondi Constituency, Nyameke Blay Armah, went on his knees on live radio to beg the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Andrew Egyapa Mercer.

According to a news report by, Nyameke Blay Armah was begging the MP to attend to the needs of his constituency.

He said that Egyapa Mercer’s constituents were suffering because their homes are currently being flooded due to the frequent downpour.

“I’m kneeling in your studio to beg my Member of Parliament, Andrew Egyapa Mercer; the constituents need his intervention. Drains are choked, and flooding is taking over the constituency.

“There is a community known as Egyiramuabekam in the constituency; a toilet project has been abandoned for the past three years, and residents do not have a place of convenience as I speak.

“The only option I have is to beg him to come down and intervene for his people. He was voted to serve and that he should make Sekondi his priority,” Blay Armah is quoted as having said as he was on his knees begging his MP.

The NDC parliamentary candidate also indicated that traders in the constituency are suffering because the roofs in their market are leaking badly.

He said that he was stopped by officials of the district assembly when he tried to fix the roof.

“The assembly has promised to fix the market before the month of June ends. I have cancelled my flight to monitor if they will fulfill the promise. The traders are suffering due to the dilapidated roofing of the market, and we cannot look on unconcerned. The rainy season has even made the situation worse,” he added.

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