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Ofosu-Ampofo, Asiedu Nketiah unfit to lead NDC – PV Jantuah

57810484 Asiedu Nketiah and Ofosu-Ampofo

Sat, 17 Dec 2022 Source:

PV Dadson Boateng Jantuah has lashed out at current National Democratic Congress (NDC) National Charmian Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo and General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, describing them as unfit for the position as they have not conducted themselves well.

Speaking on Ultimate monitored by, the defeated 1st Regional vice aspirant for the Ashanti Regional said claims the two well-grounded party members have not shown leadership especially ahead of the delegates’ conference with all kinds of allegations, speculations and smear campaigns.

The NDC man observed that accusations and counter-accusations from the two NDC leaders ahead of their delegate’s conference to elect a national executive is dragging the image of the party in the mud.

Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has after several months of denial, confessed that the NDC went to the Supreme without evidence in the 2020 Presidential petition hearing in a leaked tape.

He is heard on the tape saying the party’s software for collation crashed five minutes into the exercise and therefore they had to rely on manual collation which also failed woefully.

He further noted that the manual coalition which was supervised by a Committee of University Dons and Chairman Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo left much to be desired of it.

Mr. Jantuah is however not happy that the elders of the party are not calling mr. Asiedu Nketia and Mr. Ofosu Ampofo to order as they have not conducted themselves well.

“I don’t see why NDC should choose either Asiedu Nketia or Ofosu Ampofo, I have been vindicated, what do they have to offer for the party, they have nothing under their sleeves”

“I have listened to the tape of general mosquito saying all sort of things about the 2020 petition admitting the NDC had no evidence, why then did he go to the courts, if he doesn’t have what it takes to go to court why go there, can I force general to drink DDT, Asiedu Nketia is not a push over so what is he saying”

“These are the same people who commissioned the Kwasi Botchway committee report and listen to what they are telling us, we suffered in 2016, we seem to have sat down for a repeat of the same in 2020. They are now pointing accusing fingers at each other; nobody should vote for them they have nothing under their sleeves for the party”, he disclosed

He is urging delegates to rather vote for any of the other two, who he believes present a fresh face and will come on board with the right ideas listening to them.

“Any of the other two can do a better job, delegates should rather concentrate on them, and I’m telling you. What Asiedu Nketiah and co is doing is rather exposing their ineptitude” he exclaimed.

“Because there is a problem, you have superintended over the problem for almost eight years and now you turn round to point accusing fingers.”

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