
Rawlings Will Not Enjoy Retirement Package

Tue, 20 Jan 2009 Source: pfm

The spokes person for Government Transition Team, Ms Hanna Tetteh, says ex-president Rawlings will not enjoy the controversial retirement packages contained in the Chinery Hesse committee report due to the effective date schedule for beneficiaries.

Speaking on Peace FM’s morning show, Miss. Hannah Tetteh said:

“it takes effective from 2005 and it is not going to benefit ex-president Rawlings” She said this in reaction to the minority leader, Hon. Kyei Mensah Bonsu’s statement that the package is for all former presidents including ex-president Rawlings.

Hanna Tetteh also condemned the package. According to her it is too expensive and the country has a lot to do saying “as a political leaders, knowing that there are so many of our people whose needs have not been met, it is wrong for us to spend so much for a former president”

In addition, Ms Hannah Tetteh also said, even though parliament has approved it and there is nothing they can do, yet the government transitional team together with parliament will sit again to discuss the issue”.

Source: pfm
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