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Redesigned EC’s website attracts global attention - EC boss

Charlotte Winn Charlotte Osei, EC Chairperson

Mon, 29 Aug 2016 Source: GNA

The redesigned website of the Electoral Commission (EC) has started attracting global attention, hence making the Commission more visible to the rest of the world.

Mrs Charlotte Osei, the EC Chairperson, said since the launch of the website in April, there had been 161, 732 visits to the website comprising 97,175 representing 60 per cent from

Ghana, 30,725 representing 19 per cent from Kenya, 4,709 (2.91 per cent) from the United States, and 3,546 (2.19 per cent) from Sudan and other countries.

She said a total of 11,920, representing 72.29 per cent were first time visitors and 44,812 (27.71 per cent) were returning visitors.

Mrs Osei, who was speaking at the press launch of the EC’s Communications Strategy, gave the assurance that the Commission was fully poised for action in the conduct of the 2016 general election.

“We are excited about the new momentum at the Commission to raise the standards further when it comes to credible elections in Africa,” she said.

The Communications Strategy Document, which is the EC’s first-ever, gives a clear roadmap in support of the Commission’s five-year Strategic Plan.

The 88-page document, if thoroughly implemented, would result in transforming the image of the Commission, improve its relationship with stakeholders, result in better publicity for the Commission’s electoral activities and increase public confidence in it.

Source: GNA