Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams
Exactly five years ago on May 18, 2015, General Overseer of the Action Chapel International, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams said nothing will stop him from praying for the Mahama-led administration.
The Archbishop remained resolute amidst chastisement from critics for consistently praying for the then ruling government (NDC).
According to the www.starrfmonline report, Archbishop reiterated he was only obeying God’s instructions to pray for the county’s leaders.
He also asked church members who are frustrated by developments in the country to pray for the leaders instead of insulting them.
Read the original story published by GhanaWeb on May 18, 2020
Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams has said nothing will stop him from praying for the Mahama-led administration, even though he knows some people are angry at his consistent prayers for the government.
“There are even people in this church who belong to some political parties and when their party was in office, they were happy because I prayed for their government.
“And now that another government is in office and I am praying for these people, they are angry with me; they think I shouldn’t be praying for them, I should leave them to fail but I don’t take instructions from you; I follow the instructions of God, that is who I am,” the charismatic preacher told members of his church during a sermon on Sunday May 17,2015.
He also urged his church members who are frustrated by developments in the country to pray for the leaders instead of insulting them.
“Whatever you think the president is doing or is not doing, if you pray for him and engage the hand of God; the hand of God can move some things.
“Whatever concerns you have; whether it is the President or the vice president or finance minister or the governor of the Bank of Ghana, just take it to prayer and stop arguing and talking, just stop it and take it to prayer".