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You’re ignorant, no one beats NPP’s record in violence - Sir John replies Mahama

Mahama Sir John 3234.jpeg Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie (Sir John) and John Mahama

Thu, 14 Feb 2019 Source:

It appears there is a debate over who has been more violent than the other in the history of the politics of Ghana, and the debaters representing NDC and NPP are former president John Mahama and Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie (Sir John) former NPP Secretary and Forestry Commission boss respectively. reported how Former President John Mahama two weeks ago condemned the violence that occurred at La Bawaleshie during the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election.

Men dressed in black polo shirts and khaki trousers stormed a polling station where voting was ongoing to elect a new MP.

But Mahama, who blames the NPP for the violence said the NDC can do worse, warning the governing NPP that the opposition party will meet it boot for boot in 2020. He said “no one can beat NDC when it comes to violence”, reminding the NPP about the NDC’s “revolutionary history”.

John Mahama made the comments in the Volta Region where he was campaigning.

The men who are alleged to be hoodlums fired gunshot and even slapped Ningo-Prampram MP Samuel George, who in a video, appeared to be questioning them. The NDC reacted to the violence by withdrawing from the by-election, accusing the NPP and the president of deliberately intimidating voters and their polling agents.

But responding to Mr John Mahama, Sir John who is a former General Secretary of the ruling NPP said Mahama doesn’t know the history of violence in Ghana.

Sir John said Mahama should go and read history from the era of Wawadiwawa to the Kulungugu bomb and he will realize the NDC cannot claim to be better than NPP in violence.

“He (Mahama) does not know the history of Ghana. If he wants to know, he should go and look for Wawadiwawa era. Our forefathers were expert warriors and not cowards who run away from the battlefield. He is only referring to Rawlings’ 1990 revolution, isn’t it? As for the NPP in terms of violence, before Abraham was, we were”. Sir John said.

“Does he know when violence started in Ghana? Even Kwame Nkrumah who arrested, beat and detained us without trials, he couldn’t stand us. Does John Mahama know how the Kulungugu bomb came about in this country? He should stop bragging about violence” he added. will be keenly following the debate to update our readers accordingly.

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