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You will get an appointment under Kennedy Agyapong’s government - Lawyer tells Bawumia

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Sun, 11 Jun 2023 Source:

Kennedy Agyapong’s lawyer William Kusi has made a strong case for his client, asserting that Agyapong who is the Member of Parliament for Assin Central Constituency and an aspiring flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is the most suitable candidate to lead the country.

Lawyer Kusi contends that Kennedy Agyapong's significant contributions to Ghana's development make him deserving of the presidency.

According to him, Agyapong has made remarkable individual efforts that have positively impacted the nation.

He cited Agyapong's personal initiatives, such as the construction of a cardio center for Ghana at a cost of $6 million, which surpassed the funds obtained through a loan by the Ghanaian government.

“Kennedy Agyapong used to live at Bantema and used to bath in the open space but look at him now, he said Ghana first before we think about any other thing. An individual who is without prompting decided to use 6 million dollars to build a cardio center for Ghana whilst Ghana went for a loan below 6 million dollars, and you are saying we have to look for a candidate who is a philosopher, do we use philosophy to rule a country? Do we use academics to rule a country?”

He further praised Kennedy Agyapong's commitment to the welfare of Ghana, highlighting his rise from humble beginnings.

He stated, "If you give Kennedy four years, Ghana will change, and the understanding of politics will change. It has to do with people who believe all things are possible, and that is what we are saying."

In light of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia's announcement to contest the presidency, lawyer Kusi suggested that Bawumia should step aside in favour of Kennedy, as he considers Bawumia to be a caretaker rather than presidential material, maintaining that Assin Central lawmaker will grant Bawumia a position in his government.

“Vice president has done so well, when we took him to court all that he went to say was ‘You and I were not there’ and we lost. So, he has done well because he was bold enough to go to court but the result was negative, and giving him the digitalization also he did well and I believe he is one of the reasons why Ghana will move forward, but it wasn’t his idea as a vice president he was put there to take care of it.

“When Kennedy comes, we will give him work to take proper care of it because he is good at taking care of things, but when we say leadership, it is not about a caretaker because a caretaker is not a leader, there is a difference between leadership and technocrats,” he added.

Meanwhile, ten flagbearer hopefuls have picked up their nomination forms to contest in the race. They include;

Former energy minister, Boakye Agyarko, who was the first person to pick up nomination forms for the party's primaries; Dr. Kofi Konadu Apraku, Francis Addai-Nimoh, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, Dr. Owusu Afriyie, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, Alan Kyerematen, Kennedy Agyapong, Joe Ghartey and Kwadwo Poku

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