
What deputy gender minister said about 'side chicks' and polygamy

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  • SC-SH 6 months ago

    Being a married person having someone as side chick and side hen is a polygamy. What if those side hen or side chicken gave you children in the course? Womanizers and prostitute -whores are all in the act of polygamy. The Hol ...
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  • SKY 6 months ago

    I agree with you but till you are able to advise where society puts the extra 20% of population which are women above men’s, don’t be too quick to pass judgement

  • GH8 6 months ago

    @SKY i can safely assume that you are educated, so where did you learn that, there 20% more women than men in Ghana? This misconception is extremely dangerous. I don't care if you have side chicks or whatever you term it but ...
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  • Dr Mumbi Seraki 6 months ago

    Hello youth of Ghana. You can take your own life with medicine. For instance 10 paracetamol at once..........or combine medicine and akpeteshie or weedicide.

  • Joe 6 months ago

    The Holy Bible is not our constitution. I’m sorry to say that it is foreign to our culture as LGBTQ is. Polygamy is allowed. It is either or. You can’t have it both ways. In America here most pastors of the Bible accept L ...
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  • FRANKIE 6 months ago

    SC-SH, Which bible are you referring to! The same bible in which Solomon, David, Abraham, Jacob, etc married numerous women or another bible? In any case are you governed by the Bible or the Ghanaian constitution which perfec ...
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  • Amokua 6 months ago

    Why don’t we criminalize it; womanizing ?

  • Stone Age AfricansnSe 6 months ago

    These are matters that are decided by a man’s pocket and not the constitution. This has been the case from times past in all societies.

  • Ghanam 6 months ago

    A very smart answer by the deputy minister designate.

  • Oprege 6 months ago

    The only intellectual exchange so far that has come out of this vetting process !!

  • Saint Akufo Addo 6 months ago

    We reject sodomites but this is a legitimate return fire.

  • No Mercy 6 months ago

    Black Man is like Chimpanzee, only Sex not Satisfied with one Wife ,He needs more Wife's, Like Moslim and Monkey's . Black Man Produces More Children.One Man with 20 kids, how Can he afford to Satisfy all this Children.Povert ...
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  • Ochee-Do-Chee 6 months ago


  • adjoa yeboah 6 months ago

    so shameful, disgraceful, and humilliating that such a person is chosen as a minister. Gender affairs has nothing to do with his stupid response to side chicks. You put incompetent party supporters to run a multimillion dolla ...
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  • Simplicity-USA 6 months ago

    Are these idiots serious at all? How can you be playing with serious matters? LGBTQ+ and polygamy is not a joke and these fools are playing about it. Only in shit hole countries!

  • Martin Kreisler 6 months ago

    At 23, most are still far from mature enough to be 'hens'. Sticking to your wives is a much 'safer and rewarding' option.

  • Boye/California 6 months ago

    Stupid leaders instead of talking something nice they are there collecting money for nothing talking nonsense all this criminals called themselves members of Paliament