
Marrying a child to either a deity or human is a crime - Deputy CHRAJ boss

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  • No Mercy 5 months ago

    How can Old Senseless Man Marry 12 Years Girl,only in Ghana,Shithole Country.Ga People go to Toilet in the SEA

  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE ( OFIE P33) 5 months ago

    ALLAAA———AAAAA ———HU!! AKBAR!!!!
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  • Who Killed Mills 5 months ago

    The trending question now is can a man marry a man or woman marry a Woman. But if these Teshie people are saying as for them a Girl can marry a deity then that's even more mad than lgbt

  • AMEGASHIE 5 months ago

    Sam George LGTB++++ behavior at your door step. Lets thread with the LGBT laws carefully to handle them humanely They are also Ghanaians who are mentally sick. Have you seen that a traditional chief priest is up caught in it ...
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  • Vandal Kwaku These people are all hypocrites 5 months ago

    1. How is a child serving a deity different from a child serving as an altar boy/girl in a catholic church??
    2. If parents can allow their kids to be altar boys/girls in the church, why is it a crime for parents to allow the ...
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  • Len 5 months ago

    You are very stupid! Altar boys/girls are not married to the Altar.
    If you know any pedophile/ gay catholic priest bring him to face the law.
    Is Ghana ruled by the constitution or the Bible?

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Ignore these illiterates who are being misled by fraudulent ancient illiterates called wulomo or Gborla

  • Farmer 5 months ago

    Perfect response. Let's put these idiots back into their cages. Africa is gradually becoming a shithole when you see crazy people defending these acts. The question is, if that is a violation of the child's right and a crime, ...
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  • Foolish People? 5 months ago

    The Gas have lost the little respect they had in the country. Foolish people!

  • Man 5 months ago

    Exactly my point

  • Atta Obeng site 19 Tema 5 months ago

    Do we have people this in this country, where were you when people were killed in ayawaso, when politicians are stealing, stop what you are saying if it should be an Ashanti you will say it's tradition but because it's Ga you ...
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  • Dr. Allen Smith Jackson, UK 5 months ago

    Why you people always trying to sneak in Ashanti in any of your mess, have you ever seen or heard of an Ashanti chief doing this nonsense

  • Minnesota Man 5 months ago

    No Kweku DUAH (a convict) in Canada was only dealing in COCAINE. He has a good record!!

  • Kojo 5 months ago

    Siato..... Leave Ashanti's out of your foolery

  • Farmer 5 months ago

    What has Ashanti got to do with this. This is a case of a chief abusing the right of the child. Regardless of how the child feels, everything falls under a violation of the child's right and the constitution must be adhered t ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    God bless you’re a good woman.
    Fake prophet Muhammad would be behind bars in Nsawam if he were alive today.

    Sunan an-Nasa'i 3378
    It was narrated that 'Aishah said:
    "The Messenger of Allah married me when I w ...
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  • RKC 5 months ago

    Go and arrest him then. Have you gone through all the cultures to find out what they also practiced? Can you explain things of the spirit? Kooloo..

  • T 5 months ago

    Why we the GA adamgbe tribe sit down for this stupid tribe detect for us, GA adamgbe land should also introduce abrafoue in GA, so why should a GA adamgbe vote for npp Akan party?.

  • Sit where? Is GA adamgbe a party 5 months ago

    Idiots comments

  • Duka daya 5 months ago

    Hypocrites. All these so called CHRAJ and human rights activists are talking for their daily bread. In their homes they participate in worse things like keeping and maltreating maidservants who are minors and also engaging pr ...
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  • TWEAA DC 5 months ago


  • Jacob from tamale 5 months ago

    Madam chraj mind yous words about especially northern region, we northners flows what Quran teaches us about mariedge we dont just get up and be marriying like that, we know where we come from and where we going to!!!

  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    Yes we know the Quran teaches you to marry young girls who have not yet reached the age of puberty.Islam is a religion of pedophilia.

    PS:For all those who have Ben clamouring for traditional religion and outmoded customs, ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago


  • Who Killed Mills 5 months ago

    @ Humble yourself. You are too wicked. Wicked paaaaa. The fact that what you are saying is true does not mean you should say it. Wicked boy. In saudi you get beheaded. Repent now and ask for forgiveness. So Mohammed just like ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    It’s amazing that wicked people like you are now claiming to be good because you want to cover up evil. You’re satanic yourself that’s why you hate the light that exposes darkness. We shouldn’t call a pedophile a pedo ...
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  • Yaw 5 months ago

    It's ok for you to drink Jesus's blood and eat his body

  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    Typical abdool.can’t deal with the issue. Runs away to another topic Why do you follow a pedophile as a prophet and why do you believe in Satan-Allah who teaches you to ‘marry’ have sex with and freely divorce children ...
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  • Kwaku Ananse 5 months ago

    It’s populist for this CHRAJ official to latch onto the Nungua ceremony and make these weird noises for people to think they are w ...
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  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Nungua people are a disgrace to Ghanaians. Continue your nonsense and keep defiling your children bunch of animals who cares what you do with your kids. Let the government leave these poverty stricken Nungua people to die wha ...
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  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    *do whatever they feel.

    And I don’t think I will allow my ward to step their foot at Nungua. Bunch of paedo poverty stricken illiterates.

  • Boye/California 5 months ago

    It's a crime to marry a child period arrested anyone who married a child put him in jail Nwaswan is waiting

  • Have the chief been arrested? 5 months ago

    What they waiting talk...arrest the criminals

  • Kk 5 months ago

    Common should've told the evil priest and his people that putting the child through marriage rites was wrong!


    Are catholic nuns married to a deity?
    Please educate me.

  • SURVIVAL 5 months ago

    Are you normal?

  • WEB DESIGN 341 5 months ago

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  • Vandal Kwaku These people are all hypocrites 5 months ago

    1. How is a child serving a deity different from a child serving as an altar boy/girl in a catholic church??
    2. If parents can allow their kids to be altar boys/girls in the church, why is it a crime for parents to allow the ...
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  • Flint 5 months ago

    Sure,it's a crime, I know our constitution puts the adult age at 18,how comes the constitution allows for some children to have sex but doesn't allow them to marry?
    Consent age is 16, marriage age is 18,what is that?

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Are you people not ashamed? You don’t even have respect for our kids anymore. Can we stop this nonsense and stop encouraging these conversations about child sex or marriage. Ghana is on time bomb and going to destroy the mo ...
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  • Sabea 5 months ago

    Are Catholic nuns married to a deity?

  • Mr Johnson 5 months ago

    It’s only in Ghana that such foolishness can be tolerated!

  • Fox3 5 months ago

    I will not blame the media for spreading this news, will rather blame my Ga family that allowed the ritual ceremony to go public, all this noise about wulomo marrying a 12 yrs old girl wouldn't have been a news, I'm disappoin ...
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  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    So you compare yourself with Fulanis that we don’t even see as normal people. Anyway may God have mercy on me for using these phrase. GAs are indeed Funali’s and should no longer be taken seriously. Like I said whatever t ...
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  • SAM FAT GEORGE, BIG FAT LIAR 5 months ago

    He exhibited disgusting lies in parliament ( LGBTQ DEBATE ) under OATH that, some LGBTQ PEOPLE ARE MARRYING OBJECTS, therefore IT'S NOT A ...
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  • Patriot 5 months ago

    It is good to get further clarification and emphasis that child marriage is a crime, but what frustrates, is the seeming lack of actual action to arrest the perpetrators, such as in Teshie, where the chief and his elders have ...
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  • Ataa Osa 5 months ago

    What is the particular crime? What's the name of the charge of the crime. For example if Police arrest you, they will read you your charge like Driving Under the Influence or Disturbing The Peace etc. so what's the crime name ...
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  • Ataa Osa 5 months ago

    Sorry the law protecting the girl child says.........

  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    Ataa osa you can even construct proper English that is why you fail to understand that child marriage is criminal.

  • OSAFO KANTANKA 5 months ago

    Ghanaians must wake up to reality and cut the foolishness of child marriages. One would have been happier if the alleged ceremony was to groom that child into a proper educational system without tampering with her sexuality ...
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  • Agbelimor Paris 5 months ago

    Everyone can marry at any age but minors are not allowed to have sex or perform certain duties until they are ripe.The same way, everyone can be a chief or king at any age but minors are not allowed to perform certain duties ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    It’s amazing how many twisted minded are defending pedophilia on this platform. What a messed up world we live in. The sons of Satan conveniently attack the apostate ‘church’ which does NOT form part of the body of Chri ...
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  • Nii Adu Annor. 5 months ago

    Paedo is a crime because it's actual contact involving a minor. Either touching or groping or actual penetration. That's the crime. You see Ghanaians are not trying to be intelligent, this no paedo or child molestation and it ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    The story clearly states that the marriage is between a 12 year old girl and a 63 year old priest, Gorbu Wulomo,a man. The justification provided by the Nungua chief in a previous article published by GHweb was that there was ...
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  • Anonymous 5 months ago

    At this rate Educated parents must be watchful of their children and not allow them to mingle with other kids they know nothing about especially the Nungua children whom I have warned my wife not to allow any of them around m ...
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  • Nii Kpobi 5 months ago

    Maybe the overlords of the Ga State should explain this to these groups
    - the white man educated illetrate who don't understand their culture

    - the illiterates from the interland who refuse to be educated in African tr ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    Obviously your traditions and religion are disgusting no matter how hard you try to justify it & NO the Bible does not support this type of filth so true Christians who know their faith would not be clapping for this nonsense ...
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  • Nii Kpobi 5 months ago

    I see, you refuse to check and find out if there is any carnal , physical sensual relationship here. Like I try to educate in my previous comment this little girl cannot be the first ever child to have gone through this proce ...
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  • Humble yourself 5 months ago

    Why are you refusing to answer my question?. The Nungua mantse himself per a previous story on Ghanaweb reiterated that the marriage was between the 63 year old Gborbu Wulomo and his child bride and that the they settled for ...
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  • Asomani 5 months ago

    Late pronouncement of the legal position not enough. Investigate and prosecute now!


    I honestly have just one simple question for the Ga people....
    NOW THAT THE MIGHTY STATE ( authorities ) HAS TAKEN BACK THE HORNY, PAEDOPHILIA DEITY'S CHILD WIFE, which apparently has never happened before in ...
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  • There Is Nothing that Sheanut Cannot Do? 5 months ago

    The Gborbu deity has been provided with a bucketful of sheanut butter to last him the next 4yrs to cure his horny cravings.

  • Nii Adu 5 months ago

    Cry more . If you finish then cry more . The Gas have proven their case finally and they have shown there haven't broken any law or the dumb CHRAJ laws. Because the so called marriage wasn't a marriage after all because a mar ...
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  • Nii Kpobi 5 months ago

    We (Gas) had to fight Wars to stop " other " tribes using their own people for rituals.

    Please go do your research as this process protecting a clean person for duties of state is not a recent practise. I would however agr ...
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  • Julius Asare 5 months ago

    Yes, and you should also see and know that same sex relationship and marriage is even worse!

  • SAM FAT GEORGE, BIG FAT LIAR 5 months ago

    Thanks for admitting some of our so called Ghanaian cultural values are bad and same sex in your personal opinion is worse....
    So, if our own culture is far from good, WHY JUDGING OTHERS for doing similar bad t ...
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  • Nii Adu 5 months ago

    Continuing, sorry was a union between a girl and a Deity but not another human being so it's not a child marriage which is criminalized. And because it's not a marriage, there is no talk also of AGE OF CONSENT. THANKS

  • Man 5 months ago

    What about roman sisters getting married to God or Jesus Christ?

  • Nii Nuamah 5 months ago

    @ Man. Dumb guy. Can you see God of Jesus Christ? Can you see them with your eyes. So how can somebody be married to what they can't see other than it being proverbial.Dumb guy eating too much donkey with rabies meat

  • Nii Adu 5 months ago

    @ Man, yeah I get your point brother. The GBORBU ceremony to a deity is like Roman sisters getting married to God, so it's some kind of marriage like the Gborbu but not REAL marriage the Police and CHRAJ should talk about

  • GPS 5 months ago

    That guy is a common criminal and should be arrested and charged. The country has become like animal farm everyone is doing whatever he or she wants


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