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Apuuu........... it would have been better if the devil himself blessed her. This political hypocrite? Tewaaaaaaaa.
She definitely needs wisdom and knowledge
For this job.
is it bought from a mushroom university
From you.
You need help in your own personal life
You call yourself NPP senior citizen. You couldn't identify yourself but choose to hide behind NPP. Shame you are. You are very evil to write what you wrote about this man. I can tell you have hatred for Pastor Otabil becau ...
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How can occultist Mensah Otabil bless people.
Mo bebr3 papa. A party that even the founder isn't proud of has strangers people who are not known but using it as conduit for stealing and insulting the blessed ones whom God has prepared for a purpose will suffer proper ...
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The point raised is not about CJ Sophia Akuffo. It is about the one who supposedly blessed her. Would you say Pastor Otabil is endowed with the know- how & the purity to bless?
Thank you
Great. But maybe because she is a tribesman.
She is a hard act to follow
May the good God guide you as you have seek His guidelines. May His presence be with you all the time to give good judgement to install peace in the country so that our country nay not plung into war. Stay bless Mammy.
She could not find a better priest?
These are NPP politicians.
Yes NPP political Church of Jesus could bless any of his or her members but God of the mountain is still God of the valley lets wait and see shalom peace
It is not what a man sayeth that will take him to heaven but what God sees in ones heart not the beauty of pulpits shalom peace
Let some one tell me that this woman is not Nana Addo 's fiancée and Npp supporter we live to see
Apuuuu we knows you all
Even your English tells the sort of person you are: "We knows you all"?? It is better you go back to class 1 (one) than, writing your rotten English language on this forum disgracing reputable and knowledgeable Ghanaians, lik ...
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Phil 4:13
The elite churches ICGC, Action Chapel, Royal House, Light House and others that's where you found the thefts of this country attending church worship. You always found them in front rolls with their ipad.
I'm sorry for you,people like you shouldn't even be allowed to vote in this country
Owusu Bempa the horn giver and what will Otabil offer?
Otabil is NPP card holder
And so what ?
And so what? That's why God has blessed the NPP with critical thinkers, NPP has no Asiedu Nketia with 3mma kaba going to Germany to do brain work,NPP has no Koku Anyidoho,Allotey Jacobs,Kofi Adams, Amaliba,Ayariga,Ablakwah, ...
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not Akufo, not Bawumia... name five critical thinkers
Abronye DC, Obiri Boaheni, Kennedy Ajarpong.....ect. hahaha hahaha hahaha. Npp, the most useless political party in Ghana.
So what. He is a citizen of Ghana. Why are you so dumb?
A country / continent of morons and fools. The men and women of God who most of the time would not a good paying job in the secular world are the ones blessing the politicians. Lord have mercy for the European ended coloniali ...
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In that day we shall see who and who is doomed,the world or universe was created by who ? I Think Jnr Mandela isn't shalom peace
U can insult her she is the best in the country so far NDC has failed we voted them out not because we don't like them the core of the making of the NDC is that they are arrogant and above all very corrupt we are waiting fo ...
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sad, nepotic appointment by an incompetent, corrupt and dishonest Akufo
See the direction the country is heading to, lawless
You JDM ??????
I don't like to talk about the behaviour of the men of God. For about six months now I have not heard anything about the increasing crime rate from you Mr. Pastor. Now you are advising the new CJ because she attends your poli ...
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The most successful preacher and teacher
ever in the history of the world.
just asking
Tell her once again to be faithful, loyal, truthful & not accepting bribe. Corruption must not come near her. Let all preachers preach this message & not come & sow seed.
otabil n sophia akufo....same npp insiders.
Mensah otabil is sick in the head. The most hypocritical fool ever known
God will expose the evils ones.
Hello people all over the world this is your number 1 spiritual consultation and problem solving center..Anybody out there whether in Ghana or any where in the world who is encountering any problem,difficulties,spiritual sick ...
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It is very normally that the Pastor use to bless the Chief Justics,and since Dr. Mensa Otabil has blessing her our Chief Justics on the Land ,it is very clare and clean and it is very well accepted in heavens,God bless you Dr ...
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Dr. from which institution?, a politician in clergy cloth.
Some of us have no doubt in the ability and competence of Justice Sophia.It showed in her vetting beyond the political mischief and propaganda of nepotism on the part of the President.I agree with many who hailed the Presiden ...
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Madam pls jail that pastor. He is an international thief,deciever of lots of people and he doesn't pay tax on de millions he collects from innocent people of his church every Sunday.
It looks like Otabil is standing with a shrine by his platform and his pulpit