
Asiedu Nketia Insults Fantes and the “Ghost” of President Mills -NPP-USA

Asiedu Nketia New Citifmonline 600x330 Asiedu Nketia

Thu, 10 Nov 2016 Source: NPP-USA

When a man wears a woman's trench coat to an international diplomatic engagement, there is really nothing you can put past him. Yet for all the lowered impression we had of the NDC General Secretary Asiedu Nketia, we were not prepared for his latest unguarded statements in Eastern and Brong Ahafo Regions, that some are saying are his veiled insult of Fantes and President Mills' "ghost."

When a party has so abysmally failed to keep its promises, and governed with kleptomaniacs from the president down to the last regional executive officer, it becomes difficult to have something meaningful to say on its re-election campaign trail. Thus, it came as no surprise when Asiedu Nketia, a man whose only claim to good looks is to put others down by insulting them, was at his disgraceful best unleashing insults.

Recently in Eastern Region, the scrawny-looking Asiedu Nketia told a small crowd of NDC supporters that Akyems should not allow the late Dr. J. B. Danquah to influence their voting pattern for the NPP because Dr. J. B. Danquah is a "ghost." He went on to say with glee that the people of Brong Ahafo have not allowed the influence of Dr. K. A. Busia to inform their vote because here again, Dr. Busia is a "ghost."

By these unintelligent remarks, Asiedu Nketia is obviously implying that the people of Central and Western Regions should not allow the influence of the late President Atta Mills to inform their voting patterns, because he is also dead, and a "ghost." At a time that the Fantes are still grappling with the mysterious death of their son who became president, with some fingers pointing at president Mahama, the lack of sensitivity to their plight can only come from an uninformed loose cannon like Asiedu Nketia.

To stretch his uncouth logic, Asiedu Nketia could also be saying that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is a "ghost" so the Nzemas and, to a large extent Ghanaians, should not be influenced by him. It is heart-wrenching to note that Ghana has fallen into the hands of senseless and insensitive people masquerading as leaders. To quote the immortal Shakespeare, "O Judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, and men have lost their reason." In all civilized nations, dead heroes are revered, not denigrated. In the USA, the State of Illinois is referred to as "The Land of Lincoln," although to Asiedu Nketia's puny mind, Lincoln is a "ghost", so the people should have forgotten him.

Sadly, the NDC General Secretary fails to understand that these former Ghanaian leaders gave their lives for our country in their respective rights. We in the NPP, on the other hand, will continue to respect the sacrifices made by these leaders, regardless of their party affiliation. And if Asiedu Nketia has nothing generous to say about them, but would rather disrespect their memories, we leave it to Ghanaians to reject the kind of tribal politics that the NDC loves to indulge in.

NPP-USA further takes this opportunity to call on president Mahama to once and for all come clean on the circumstances leading to president Mills' death, making him a "ghost" in July of 2012, that conveniently paved the way for him to become president without the associated sweat of campaigning.

NPP-USA Public Relations Committee

Source: NPP-USA