
GFA to host FIFA seminar for African officials

Fri, 21 Oct 2011 Source: GFA

The Ghana Football Association will play host to a regional seminar for General Secretaries and Technical Directors next week to help improve the game.

Beginning Monday, the four-day round-table discussion committed to sharing ideas geared at improving the administrative and technical structure of the sport in Africa would also seek to keep participants from 17-member Associations abreast with FIFA's development programmes and grand plan for football.

A ten-member FIFA team including Kablan J. Sampon, Diallo Souleymane, Regenass Thierry, Benezet Jean-Michel, Bruscoli Francesco, Valat Hélène, Stadelmann Nicole Béatrice, Malouche Belhassen, Mahjoub Khalil and Aloui Wissen would lead the seminar.

Ghana will be represented at the seminar by Emmanuel Gyimah and Francis Oti-Akenteng while other participants from the continent join in.

Course topics include the role of the Technical Director vis-à-vis the General Secretary, License+, Transfer Matching System, FAP + Goal, MA Extranet, CAF Coaching licenses workshop, Grassroot development and Youth football.

The Ghana Football Association would also make a presentation on the second day of the seminar which ends on Thursday, October 27.

The final day would look at the outcome of the seminar.


CARDOSO DE LIMA José Manuel - Angola CHIPENDA Raúl Neves - Angola

DIDAVI Quentin - Bénin ALOHOUTADE Sèdogbo - Bénin

ZOMBRE Emmanuel - Burkina Faso DRABO Bourahima - Burkina Faso

LIMA FORTES António - Cape Verde SILVA ANTUNES Ulisses Indalécio - Cape Verde

DIAGOU Gnaba Dominique - Ivory Coast NOBILO Jean-Marc - Ivory Coast

BOJANG Jammeh - Gambia CEESAY Kebba Masaneh - Gambia

GYIMAH Emmanuel - Ghana OTI-AKENTENG Francis - Ghana

BARRY Ibrahima - Guinea SHÉRIF Souleymane - Guinea

DA ROCHA Simao Lucas - Guinea-Bissau LOPES FERREIRA Mario João - Guinea-Bissau

KABA Idrissa - Liberia A. TAMBA Francis - Liberia

THIAM Boubacar - Mali MAGASSOUBA Mohamed - Mali

YANMIEN YANFORE Issa Yanfore - Niger GARBA Laouali - Niger

AMADU Musa - Nigeria IKPEME Emmanuel - Nigeria

DE OLIVEIRA DA COSTA VANGENTE Leonel - São Tomé and Principe NETO D'ASSUNCAO Filipe Francisco - São Tomé and Principe

FALL Amsatou - Senegal CISSE Seh Victor - Senegal

SWARAY Abdul Rahman - Sierra Leone METZGER Sam Obi - Sierra Leone

KLUSSEY Delali Yvette - Togo ELITSA Koadjo Lanou - Togo

Source: GFA