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We Are Going To Be Massacred and Disgraced At World Cup If

Thu, 3 Jun 2010 Source: Osei, Enoch

We Do Not Change Our Approach

Ghana was humiliated by the Dutch with a convincing 4:1. There is a lot problem with the technical ability of our team. They have showed time and again that they lack skills, ability and agility to make any impressive impact for this world cup. There are many contributing factors to this poor performance. They spans from old age, money, cultural inclination, lack of determination and will and too much of talking without producing any results.

I am sure by now the Germans who watched this game are perhaps laughing. I believe they have set the fire ready to roast the Black Stars come World cup day. Anyone who watched the game will agree with me that there is a lot to do before world cup. There has to be a technical shakeup to the overall tactical and strategy at the field of play. I realized that I can write a whole book on the performance of Ghanaian soccer so I will focus on the next paragraph the deficiencies of our Black Stars soccer teams

The average Ghanaian is a sales person. They can sell you a nonexistent house and get you to buy it without showing you the house. My friend here tells me he can sell a water to horse by the river. Our tongues are salivated with a lot of talk about nothing. The average Ghanaian will not do any research before proving a theory. The pillars of our country are based on try and error. We are consumed in disclosing information without any facts or truth. A Ghanaian would not mine collecting money for no work performed and will not mind to spend time at the legal proceeding in court when he/she is aware that the case they are attempting to lay claim is false but will attempt to find sympathy from general public to pin a false claim. This attitude is even seen at the top of the government of the country. The average schooled Ghanaian is a litigant, a politician, strategist, a doctor or even an accountant with not the needed qualification, skill or even experience to prove for it. Jack of the trades I guess. Go to companies, the government agencies and even private companies and you will realize a lot of people will only give a productive time of 3 to 4 hours instead of the 8 as they are expected to work. A lot of these unproductive times go into gossip, lunch or even mere laziness. Be a good manager and reprimand them and hell will break loose. You are likely to be cursed or verbally abused. The average Ghanaian will put a price tag on a waste and expect you to get it. Look at land prices and you will understand me. How can land in Doodowa be sold for 25,000 new Ghana cedi and the real estate agents are ready to make a lot of money out of unsuspecting people. This is where we are as a country and it is not different from our soccer team. It is clear beyond doubt that Richard Kingston the goal keeper for the team has expired his time. Yet because of his loud noise and sympathy and MBA (me baaha eche) is been kept still at post. Can someone tell Milo that World cup is not chicken feet business and we need young blood and not old folks who are good in playing chess? The management and players will rather talk too much without producing any results. The team wants their bonuses to be held private without producing results and provide a platform with nonsensical talk? Mark my words, the players will start laying blame on the weather, the pitch, the support and even join the rest to talk about how bad the puma footballs are. Don’t be surprised if they do because it is expected as usual. We will never accept our mistakes and find solutions to them but rather find complains to make. I hear Richard Kingston is almost close to 40. Please don’t blame me for not producing facts I am only being Ghanaian.

Stay tuned for more information on why we might end up disgracing ourselves at world cup

Written by Enoch Osei President and CEO of Feed the Homeless. ( and lover of soccer

Source: Osei, Enoch