
We’re preparing our guidelines for Coronavirus -Taekwondo Federation

Ghana Taekwondo Federation 5.jfif The Ghana Taekwondo Federation

Mon, 5 Oct 2020 Source:

Communications Director for the Ghana Taekwondo Federation, Davis Attoquaye Clottey has disclosed on Rainbow Sports that the National Sports Authority (NSA) has directed them to present their plan and strategies to help deal with Coronavirus should they resume activities.

He said the federation is currently preparing the document and will soon present it to the NSA.

Mr Clottey disclosed they will develop their strategies by taking a cue from the guidelines issued by the World Federation.

He explained they will work and produce a document that will help their members understand the situation for sport and to assist them with a safe return to activity.

He said they are optimistic that members will adhere to the principles of safeguarding people’s health at all times and adhering to the very latest regulations set out by government regarding health, social distancing and hygiene.

He disclosed the federation is also aware that some athletes have registered for international tournaments but they have not received clearance to go.

He said the federation had plans of organising their flagship tournament in July, but the outbreak affected it.

He indicated the federation will not be able to organise this year’s tournament.

He added they will focus their attention on preparing for next year and 2023 All African Games.

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