
Seedorf: Essien needs time at Milan

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  • w3 10 years ago

    Seedorf - great player.

  • NOKWARE 10 years ago

    The problem is not Essiens skills which is unquestionable one of the best.My concern is his health and durability.The numerous injuries and his age has slowed and deminished Essiens performance considerably.I will hate to see ...
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  • Africanus 10 years ago

    Do not be too quick to write Essien off. Let us see how things turn out for him at AC Milan between now and May.

  • Nana 10 years ago

    Essien is officially 31 and not that old. The problem is they lie about their age and this creates problems for them

  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Essien has invested in a gold mime in Ghana

  • ??? 10 years ago


  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Mahama is stupid. Look at his u see USA praying for their dollar?...

  • ??? 10 years ago


  • Alex Kojo Sammy-Paris 10 years ago


  • ADJEI BOADI 10 years ago

    Essien will be disillusioned if he still believes he can come off the bench for a even a 90 mins. match. The guy is finished due to old age and incessant injuries......the side effects of age cheating !
    He should hyave rathe ...
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  • Macotih 10 years ago

    Bro. why are u skin-pain, thus his transfer affecting you. Just leave the innocent player to live his life and it was the same you that was praising him and the same you is bringing him down..Oh GHANAIANS!!

  • ADJEI BOADI 10 years ago

    The truth hurts. Yes I did praise him when he was playing well and had every reason to quit the french league for Chelsea. Today, it's no longer the case; he's had his time and age has caught up with him so to avoid ridicule, ...
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  • Kojo Agatebe, Oregon 10 years ago

    Although I agree with you about age and injuries catching up with him, I think it is a bit early for Essien not to give it one more try at the big leagues. He would still have time enough to retire in the Gulf, if it does't w ...
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  • Amoah 10 years ago

    We all recognize the truth but what hurts is your language and ungratefulness my friend.For a proud player like Essien it might be difficult to understand what is going on around him especially when he feels great and plays w ...
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  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Milan players lack character. They actually and play like a bunch of yuppies, dada bee players. Theylack character and grit. milan captain mexes should be banned from the team. He sucks!!! He lacks basic defending ability. Mo ...
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  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Adkei boadi, u are a hater. Essien played 90 minutes and played well. He needed help in midfield. Pair him with Muntari and it will be nuts. The milan def nce is porous like a hoes' underwear. Mexes, he shaa pass Tweaaaa! The ...
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  • tweba 10 years ago

    Sure he played 90mins but he can't even run, instead of him playing on top of the defence and cover as soon as they loose the ball in the middle ; he could not do it. The only reason why he played 90mins was their champions ...
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  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Idiot, u think Essien is 25 to be running anyhow? How often does pirlo.of Juve run? Blame the captain mexes.for the loss. He is not a Milam player, let alone captain. Use is no match for Ghana so don't comfuse urself. Score 1 ...
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  • TAFOFUO. 10 years ago

    MY friend stop crying over spilt milk.Essien can no longer perform the way he used to perform.Do you think Mourinho is stupid to let a good player go away?.

  • GHFUO, be serious & change ur MENtali 10 years ago

    really? look at all the teams mourinho has played for and the players who left or were let go. lukaku, mikel is also warming the bench...bite on ur words

  • tweba 10 years ago

    Why do we insult everyone who does not agree with us?(sorry I blame your parents). Yes he is not 25, but players like Pirlo cover the defence as quick as he can anytime. Watch Steven G, Frank L, Yahaya Toure etc they knew th ...
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  • ADJEI DIABA 10 years ago

    "The guy is finished due to old age and incessant injuries......the side effects of age cheating !"


  • ADJEI BOADI 10 years ago

    An old player is more vulnerable and risks injuries as compared to a younger one. The chance of an older player likely to get injured is higher than that of a relative younger one and Essien is a typical example. If, therefor ...
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  • NTani de Best, USA 10 years ago

    You only asking for mental anguish from being daily CALLED A Monkey by the Primitive Italian.

  • john mensah 10 years ago

    what is milan doing with this old cassava the fan we are right

  • MOKOTO 10 years ago

    Essien has done his best so far so Ghana fuo lets encourage him not discourage him

  • JYMY SOMMER 10 years ago


  • Akamai 10 years ago

    Even though he did well going forward, in defending he was a big liability... I think BADU or Acquah should play ahead of him in world cup

  • Akamai 10 years ago

    Even though he did well going forward, in defending he was a big liability... I think BADU or Acquah should play ahead of him in world cup

  • GHFUO, be serious & change ur MENtali 10 years ago

    essien was the lone defensive midfielder until montolivo was brought in. if you want to blame anyone at milan. blame the porous defence. the captain mexes was horrible and his indecisiveness and lack of defensive generalship ...
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