
Michael Otto lauds Sellas Tetteh

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  • OSEI TAWIAH 9 years ago

    They can fire Borbor and start sweating again. We have seen what the firing of our most experienced players is doing to Ghana over something that's so stupid. We have been fooled by idiots like Kwasi Nyantakyi, Moses Armah, B ...
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  • Ayerloeflor 9 years ago

    Was it not this same Moses Armah who was with the Blackstars in Brazil and the unrest in camp ensued? And now he is gone to the satellites camp to fight an established coach like Selas Tetteh. Moses Armah Parker should not be ...
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    Now snake had turned to meat,and The GFA WANTS THEIR SHARE .They want to destroy the u-20.if Didi Dramani was good,like Kotoko wounded have sack him.Fire burn u the Nyantakyi GFA.

  • Stevie 9 years ago

    I'm tired of seeing this man always giving his middle finger. Someone should please tell him it's not cool to keep showing his middle finger whenever he is photographed.