
Sepp Blatter stands by promise to resign – Fifa

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  • Yoofi 9 years ago

    The FBI has a big dossier on him that could send him to jail for 70yrs.

    With all the skeletons in his cupboard he should have gone earlier and not competed. Now that he has made himself a sitting target it would be foolish ...
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  • Saint Ghfuo: Nyantakyi must go! 9 years ago

    We don't want this coefficient baboon anymore. He is corrupt and greedy

  • abba 9 years ago

    Power power power now the root of these type of power equals corruption.

  • Abanga 9 years ago

    Ei, massa, ewiase y3 sum. People jump over the Osu Cemetery wall at midnight and nearly got lynched? And they call themselves Dr Alhaji? Now we know where the 7-0 prediction is coming from!! AMA is looking for the grave desec ...
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  • Vida, Osu 9 years ago

    Who is the grave desecrater? Did he truly predict 7-0 after visiting the cemetery illegally the night before the match? Mention his name, Sir!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rasheed 9 years ago

    This Rasheed guy is very stubborn and does not listen to advice.I told him not come out with any prediction,but he wouldn't listen to me.Now he is in trouble for opening his big mouth.Arrest the nigger.

  • Rasheed 9 years ago

    Alhaji Osman nyantakyi was almost lynched when he tried to jump the Osu cemetary and do some voodoo.Abanga has more information.

  • yaw 9 years ago

    Nyantakyi is leading blatter,s comeback crusade

  • Rasheed 9 years ago

    Nyantakyi has now resorted to voodooism to stay in power.He is among those wanted for attempting to jump over the Osu cemetary.Abanga is our source of information.Who is Ananga? This is the first time we are reading his comme ...
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  • Son of Man 9 years ago

    Folks, did you read this. If Blatter leaves now, Issa Hayatou will be the new Acting FIFA President? From frying pan into the fire. That will not be progress but a setback for 40 years. More corruption and more corruption ...
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