
I love Kotoko - Kwadwo Asamoah

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  • Haaaahhha 8 years ago

    Why are they printing this interview now after the humiliatiation Hearts just endured.Do you want to give them a heart attack?

  • A Richard 8 years ago

    Oh kwadwo why not. May God bless you.

  • True 8 years ago

    Kwadwo Asamoah was born and raised in Kumasi Asokwa, I think because his passport was issued in Accra,
    I have the same issue on my passport even though I was born and raised in Kumasi.
    Now it seems like every Ghanaian fo ...
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  • Paa Solo 8 years ago

    Don't you remember not too long ago all documents bearing Ashanti names and listing Kumasi as origin took particularly long to be "processed". It got so bad, government employees bearing Ashanti names were blatantly replaced ...
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  • USA USA!! 8 years ago

    I thought your eye open but know I see you are just another Ashanti Moron with little brains!!! Phobia the greatest in Ghana!!

  • Osei Boakye 8 years ago

    Why not come and play for them now? Why wait till the end of your playing time?
    Join Kotoko now, if you love them that much.

  • kennedy 8 years ago

    God bless you Kwadwo for loving our darling club.You will reach your peak in life.Thanks.

  • NANA KOFI 8 years ago

    Bra,bra, bra. Because we need you@ Kotoko!

  • GOD SAVE GHANA 8 years ago

    Patriotic Son of Ghana,Thy will be Done.

  • One luv 8 years ago

    If a Northner or an Ewe has said the same about their home clubs the tribalist will be all over the place accusing them of tribalism. Hypocrites!

  • Naasei 8 years ago

    It seems everyone is for Kotoko.What is attracting them I don't know.
    Well me too I'm for Kotoko.
    Fabulous the best!

  • Jonas 8 years ago

    Drop will know

  • DISEMANN 8 years ago

    ^this is wellcome news im proud of ur achievment kwadwo God bless u

  • totti 8 years ago

    Yh he no dat kotoko x e best team in Ghana now

  • Kotey 8 years ago

    Why not play for them now ? If u love them so much why don't u play for them now? Put ur money where ur mouth is
    Talk is cheap

  • slow but sure 8 years ago

    Wat a news . come now if u love them.why waiting for de end? Get out come n see.